Alphabetic Index

Alphabetic Index

Space Index

0-9 ... 27 A ... 24 B ... 6 C ... 31 D ... 4 E ... 17
F ... 11 G ... 1 H ... 5 I ... 17 J ... 1 K ... 1
L ... 7 M ... 4 N ... 5 O ... 0 P ... 31 Q ... 0
R ... 18 S ... 23 T ... 10 U ... 22 V ... 17 W ... 1
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    


Page: 1. Configuration Wizard
Go to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > Configuration Wizard You must complete the configuration process every time you update a setting. The process is complete when you receive a screen with all the steps given green ticks The configuration proc
Page: 1. List of Employees
Whether you're editing an existing employee or adding a new one, it's always a good idea to start from the Employees list. To access the list of Employees: From the menu, select Payroll Administration > Payroll Records > Employees Screen Shot 2017-02-28 a
Page: 1. Submit Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
Once you have completed all payrun activity for the tax year, and successfully submitted all associated FPS you can go ahead and submit the final Employer Payment Summary (EPS) of the tax year. As with other EPS through out the year the process splits int
Page: 10. Add Super/Pension Funds
As of Infinet Cloud Payroll 23.1, the super funds are now being maintained by a twice monthly synchronisation process. This process ensures new super funds are created in account, and deprecated or inactive super funds are flagged. SMSF will still need to
Page: 10. Confirmation
image2016-5-4 14:24:18.png This provides the user the opportunity to check the Basic Data and Accounting setup. Click on Finish to complete the Payroll Configuration @parent
Page: 11. Add Pay Components
Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Once your employee record has been saved you need to create details of what they are going to be paid. On the employee record, go to the Payroll tab > Pay Component sub tab. Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 5.00.10 P
Page: 12. Finish Up
Additional configuration Your organisation or employee may have specific circumstances that require additional configuration not covered in this guide. For example, you may now need to: Add Additional Bank Accounts Import Leave Balances Import YTD Data Re
Page: 2. Add/Edit Employee
From the list of Emloyees you can add a New Employee, or open multiple existing Employees to Edit them. To Add a New Employee Click on the New Employee button To Open an Existing Employee Right-click on View link of the Employee, and select Open Link in N
Page: 2. Company Details
image2016-5-4 12:14:54.png In the Company Details section enter your company information: Company Name - Enter your company name the way it should appear on your payslips Company ABN - Enter your company ABN the way it should appear on your payslips Sup
Page: 2. Employee P60 End Of Year Certificates
Each employee who is employed on the 5th of April must receive a P60 End of Year Certificate which shows the tax paid on their salary for the period 6th April - 5th April. The information summarised onto the P60 certificate is calculated from the employee
Page: 2018/2019 AU Working Holiday Maker (WHM) Employee Updates Required
Please Note: Changes to this functionality apply from 25/6/2018. We have automated this functionality so all you need to do is select the correct "Resident Status" on the Tax Info Tab of the employee record. After you have selected the resident status "Wo
Page: 3. Employee Defaults
Enter the default information for a typical employee. This information will pre-populate when a new employee is created and can be overwritten at the employee level. image2016-5-4 12:23:10.png If you are using an Administrator-type role, a number of fiel
Page: 3. Primary & Classification info
In the sections below, ICS Payroll only requires a few fields to be completed. However, NetSuite and/or your implementation may rely on other fields (e.g. Supervisor) not detailed below - you should complete these as well. In general, it's good practice t
Page: 3. UK EOY Expenses & Benefits P11d(b)
The UK End of Year expenses and benefits functionality provides the functionality to: generate P11D PDF forms for employees to use in their personal tax returns generate P11D records to ascertain Class 1A due on payrolled benefits generate P11D(b) PDF to
Page: 4. Complete - Prepare New Tax Year
@parent UK Preparing for New Tax Year
Page: 4. Payroll Preferences
Other Preferences image2016-5-4 12:36:12.png Part Period Adjustment Method - Select the method which best describes how you calculate pay when an employee has only worked part of the pay period. Period Amount: Average monthly hours – hours not worked Work
Page: 4. Payroll tab
Most of the information here will default from your company's Payroll Configuration. Regardless, it's important to check that all fields are set correctly. Employee Info Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 2.01.47 pm.png Payroll Employment Status - select the empl
Page: 5. Print & Email
image2016-5-4 12:41:40.png Print Preferences Payrun Directory - Select the directory in your File Cabinet (E.g. "Payroll Documents") to store payslips, PAYG summaries and ABA files Payslip Template - Select the template for your payslip Payslip PDF Logo –
Page: 5. Tax Info tab
Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Standard fields image2024-5-24_12-57-49.png These fields are used to determine the Employee Tax Scale field which dynamically updates once you enter information. Tax File Number – enter the employee's TFN. If
Page: 6. Accounting
Default Accounts Next we need some details about the way you want to record the financial transactions, how you would like to classify them and some other accounting related defaults. image2016-5-4 13:2:38.png Default Payroll Expense Account - Select you
Page: 6. Superannuation tab
You cannot change this information whilst in Edit mode. This information defaults from the Employee Super Fund details that you add later during step 10. Add Super/Pension Funds Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 2.36.06 pm.png Rates and Thresholds Use these field
Page: 7. EFT Bank
EFT Options EFT Directory - Select the "Payroll Documents" folder to store ABA files created in the payrun image.png @parent EFT Bank Accounts Set up any bank accounts that you wish to pay your employees from. Follow the instructions as guided on the inf
Page: 7. Leave Info tab
Leave Entitlements The defaults for the following fields are pulled from the configuration. Select the correct option depending on the State and entitlements of the employee. Any greyed out fields will get populated once you start using ICS payroll. Scree
Page: 8. Bank Payment Details tab
On this tab, you enter the primary bank details for the employee. If the employee wants their pay to go into multiple bank accounts then you will set this up later - only enter their primary bank account here. Note you MUST complete all fields (Swift Code
Page: 8. Pay Component Sub Type
Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Set Pay Component Sub Types (PCST) This section allows you to map the various payroll salary and allowance codes to the Profit & Loss expense accounts. The payroll expense accounts should have already been cre
Page: 9. Human Resources tab
All of the fields under the Human Resources tab are standard NetSuite fields. However, since ICS Payroll is tightly integrated with NetSuite, many of these fields are used for Payroll specific functions including leave provisions and reporting. At a minim
Page: 9. Payroll Vendors
Setup Payroll Vendors image2016-5-4 14:18:16.png This section helps better manage Payroll Liabilities by providing Payroll Categories for Management Reporting and separating the various Payroll Balance Sheet accounts into unique payroll related Payroll Li


Page: Accessing the Leave Configuration
Navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > Record Types image2020-6-10_9-19-14.png Find the Leave Config record type and click list image2020-8-6_16-26-13.png Open in edit the subsidiary record you wish to amend or review image2020-8-6_16-27-3.p
Page: Accessing the Payroll Configuration (Payroll Config) Record
Navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > Record Types image2020-6-10_9-19-14.png Find the Payroll Config record type and click list image2020-6-10_9-20-14.png Open the subsidiary record you need - to amend open by clicking edit, to review open
Page: Add Additional Bank Accounts
All Payroll employees should be setup with at least one bank account. Additional bank account can be added to employees, however amounts will need to be nominated - with each payrun, any remaining amount will post to their primary bank account. To add an
Page: Add Address to Payroll Configuration
Accessing the Payroll Configuration (Payroll Config) Record Then enter the company address details Enter in the company address SAVE image2020-6-10_9-21-25.png
Page: Add Employees to an existing Pay Run
Overview Once a Pay Run has been initiated with a number of Employees, you can add additional Employees to the Pay Run. This is useful if an Employee has mistakenly not been included in a Pay Run and you would like to include them prior to completing the
Page: Adding the Payroll Centre tab to Administrator Role
When your account is updated the Payroll Centre Tab is removed by NetSuite and will need to be re-added using the following instructions Customisation > Centres & Tabs > Centre Tabs image2022-8-15_9-18-54.png 2. Edit the "Payroll for Classic Centre" L
Page: Adding Totals to the Payslip Record
This feature will no longer be supported in next gen process payslips as adding fields to the payslip is not good practice. If you have a need for this feature please provide a short use case / customer requirement and share with Nadja outlining: * the da
Page: Adjustment Pay Runs - UK
An Adjustment Pay Run is a pay run in its own right. It does not change anything on a previously paid/posted pay run. If you need to make changes to a pay run that has not been paid/posted then you should Roll it back and make changes at the Approval scre
Page: Alphabetic Index
Page: Amending an Employee's Hours
If an employee changes their working pattern there are certain amendments that need to be made to the Employee's record, a new pay component for base salary may need to be created or the existing one may need amending. Mid month working patter changes are
Page: Annual Leave Provision to General Ledger
Overview Annual Leave is accrued on the employee record as part of the Post process of the pay run. This leave accrual is not reflected in the Posting transaction and does not update the General Ledger. To accrue for Annual Leave you will need to create
Page: Approve Payslips
The Approve Payslips screen allows you to view details by employee with comparisons to the previous Standard pay run. Make sure you check the Gross Variance and Net Variance columns. Alternatively you can also open payslips for each employee using one o
Page: ATO Info & Links
Online Services overview https://www.ato.gov.au/general/online-services/ AUSkey information https://abr.gov.au/AUSkey/ Register for PAYG withholding https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Registration/Work-out-which-registrations-you-need/Taxation-registrations/
Page: ATO STP Christmas & New Year Outage 2019
Overview Please be advised that the ATO's system for lodging STP reports will NOT be available between: 12.00 noon AEDT on Tuesday 24 December 2019 and 6.00am AEDT on Thursday 2 January 2020 Single Touch Payroll (STP) reports and business responses receiv
Page: ATO STP Phase/Version 2 Deferral Notice
Although the official start for STP Phase 2 reporting is 1 January 2022, Infinet Cloud and our customers are covered by the deferral until 1 August 2022. Here you can download and review this referral so that you understand what it means for your business
Page: AU JobKeeper Additional Automation for Weekly Pay Frequency
Overview Updated section 1d. To clarify, you should only "Override bank file date" DO NOT "Override Pay Date" Infinet Cloud have now completed our second version of AU JobKeeper automation with additional automation for weekly pay frequency only and your
Page: AU JobKeeper Automation Update
Overview All accounts have now been updated - if you are eligible for JobKeeper 2.0 please review this page for further instructions AU JobKeeper Extension We are still waiting on the ATO Specification to be released to developers so that we can plan any
Page: AU JobKeeper Extension
If you are NOT eligible or are NOT enrolling for the JobKeeper Extension (phase 2) then you do not need to do anything and can continue processing payroll without following the instructions below. Overview The Job Keeper Extension changes the original sch
Page: AU JobKeeper FAQ
This is an FAQ document. Go to the the AU JobKeeper Automation Update for detailed instructions. What you can't do You cannot claim the JobKeeper payment on behalf of employees who were not paid at least $1,500 (before tax) during each JobKeeper payment
Page: AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnight corrections
Overview: We have created this page to assist in helping you understand how Start and Finish fortnight corrections should work. Please read and understand this page AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnights in full before reviewing the information below.
Page: AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnights
Overview: We have created this page to assist in helping you understand how Start and Finish fortnights work. If for any reason you need to correct a Start or Finish fortnight, please contact support FIRST with full details explaining the situation in fu
Page: AU JobMaker Hire Credit Reporting Process
Overview The JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme is an incentive for businesses to employ additional young job seekers up to the age of 35 years. Please refer to ATO Guidelines https://www.ato.gov.au/General/JobMaker-Hiring-Credit/ to check eligibility criteria
Page: AUSKey Decomissioning
Overview In Australia, the ATO is changing the way users and software (e.g. Infinet Cloud Payroll) authenticate and authorise when accessing government services (for more info, watch the ATO's Your new key to business is here https://tv.ato.gov.au/ato-tv/
Page: Australia


Page: Batch Terminations - UK
An employee will be included in the Batch Termination process during a pay run if: Termination/Release Date on the Employee Record is on or before the period end date AND Termination Field on Employee Record is empty AND Termination Record does not alread
Page: Best Practice - Things NOT To Do
A new page with some things you should never do. We will be adding to this page as we can and as we come across things. This list may not be complete. Check with Support if you are not sure. DON'T EVER MAKE A PAY RUN INACTIVE This will have no impact oth
Page: Blocking Leave Requests
If you need to block certain dates from being booked by employees this can be done by creating a custom leave type and using a leave block. Creating a New Leave Type First you will need to create the Leave Type Go to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup
Page: Branch Setup Assistant (Configure STP)
Introduction To report via STP, you will need to run through the STP Setup Assistant. If you need to report via STP starting July 1, then it is important that you run through the assistant prior to the first pay run for the financial year. To access the S
Page: Browse KB by...
Our knowledge base contains a plethora of information. If you don't like searching, or tried and still can't find what you're looking for then you can try browsing.
Page: Bulk Update functions (REST)
Overview This page has been marked for review as the information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. The bulk update action is designed for the u


Page: Calculating Euro values for de-minimis declarations
According to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/31705/12-747-state-aid-frequently-asked-questions.pdf, when you are calculating the value of de-
Page: Calculating the Reference Rate for Annual Leave in the UK
Please note that this article is under current review, the information is accurate but may be incomplete. Please contact support@infinetcloud.com mailto:support@infinetcloud.com for clarification if needed. On 6th April 2020 it became law in the UK to cal
Page: Changes to ATO tax treatment for Study and Training Support Loans
Study and Training Support Loans = STSL NB: No action is required by most Customers. Updates to names below will be automated. Existing scales have been consolidated so regardless of the old selection, the correct scale is applied in the background. Howev
Page: Changes to Paid sick and carers leave in Australia
Fairwork have updated their website with further information and examples. https://www.fairwork.gov.au/library/k600601_paid-sick-carer-s-leave-frequently-asked-questions https://www.fairwork.gov.au/library/k600601_paid-sick-carer-s-leave-frequently-asked-
Page: Changing a Tax Code
If you have received a P45 or a tax code notice for a new starter please go to the UK Enrolment Guide https://infinetcloud-support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SUP/pages/35553342/UK+Enrolment+Guide and review the section on updating an enrolment record. For
Page: Changing Dates on a Processed Leave Request
There are situations where you may need to change dates on an already processed Leave Request. If you have time records that have been included in a payrun (I.e. processed), but shouldn't have, then follow the instructions below to make adjustments. Step
Page: Changing the Message on the Payslip Email 
You are able to amend the message on the email you send out with the payslips attached. Navigate to the Payroll config record for the subsidiary in question and open in edit mode: Accessing the Payroll Configuration (Payroll Config) Record Add the message
Page: Child Support and the Protected Earnings Amount in 2020
Published by Australian Government Dept of Human Services 4/11/2019 Child Support and the Protected Earnings Amount in 2020 The Protected Earnings Amount (PEA) is the part of an employee’s or contractor’s wages that are exempt from child support deduction
Page: Child Support and the Protected Earnings Amount in 2021
Published by Australian Government Dept of Human Services 11/11/2020 Child Support and the Protected Earnings Amount in 2021 The Protected Earnings Amount (PEA) is the part of an employee’s or contractor’s wages that are exempt from child support deductio
Page: ClickSuper Guide
The ClickSuper Electronic Service Address (ESA) will soon merge with the Wrkr ESA. From 1st October 2023, the ClickSuper ESA will be shut down and will no longer accept any SuperStream messages. The ATO, and the Superannuation Transaction Network partici
Page: Configuring Payroll Guide
Welcome to the ICS Payroll Configuration Guide. The configuration process is where you set up your preferences and employee defaults for ICS Payroll. Use the Payroll Administrator role for all payroll related activities including configuration. First time
Page: Contact Support
Infinet Cloud support is provided via the Zone&Co online support form available here https://www.zoneandco.com/customer-support-form What to Check Before Contacting Support In many cases a recent change to payroll configuration, employee configuration or
Page: Controlling Access to Payroll Documents
Please review the pre-config - Security page and ensure that you have set up a folder for the payroll documents and that a payroll group has been created. If you do not have access to payroll documents (for example P45 and Payslip PDFs) but you are a pay
Page: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) in the UK
These instructions were updated on the 21st July 2020 As part of the UK Governments support for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) went live in the UK on the 20th April 2020. Information on how to claim ca
Page: Correcting Leave Request Time Errors
Problem You may have received an email from us advising you that a recently created leave request has an error. Follow this article to fix the error and ensure that the leave request will be process with the applicable pay run. An Error message has been r
Page: Country
Page: Create Allowance
CreateAllowance.JPG Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Employee Setup Guide Use the Allowance Pay Component type to create allowances to be added to an employee's pay during the pay run. Below are examples for On Call and First Aid allowances. F
Page: Create Allowance - UK
Navigate to the Employee Record > Payroll Tab > Pay Component Sub Tab Click on the "Create Allowance" button image2020-9-17_10-35-2.png Select the type of allowance you are wanting to create image2020-11-6_10-47-58.png Based on the Pay Component Sub Type
Page: Create Deduction
CreateDeduction.JPG Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Employee Setup Guide Use this Pay Component type to create deductions to be subtracted from an employee's pay during the pay run. Below is an example of a Child Support deduction. Field Desc
Page: Create Deduction - UK
Navigate to the Employee Record > Payroll Tab > Pay Component Sub Tab Click on the "Create Deduction" button image2020-9-18_11-17-42.png Select the type of deduction you are wanting to create image2020-9-18_11-27-59.png Based on the Pay Component Sub Type
Page: Create Salary Sacrifice
CreateSalarySacrifice.JPG Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Use this to create Salary Sacrifice pay components. The table below lists 3 examples for each salary sacrifice type. If you're creating a Salary Sacrifice for Superannuation, then you
Page: Create Salary Sacrifice - UK
Navigate to the Employee Record > Payroll Tab > Pay Component Sub Tab Click on the "Create Salary Sacrifice" button image2020-11-6_9-52-2.png Select the type of salary sacrifice you are wanting to create image2020-11-6_10-39-30.png Based on the Pay Compon
Page: Create Salary/Wages
CreateSalaryWages.JPG Use the Salary/Wages Pay Component type to create either 'Base Salary' (for Salary Type employees) or 'Normal Time' (for Wages type employees). The table below explains the differences and recommended settings for each field dependin
Page: Create Salary/Wages - UK
Navigate to the Employee Record > Payroll Tab > Pay Component Sub Tab Click on the "Create Salary/Wages" button image2020-9-15_16-6-2.png Depending on whether or not the employee is a a "Salaried" or "Waged" employee select 'Base Salary' (for salaried emp
Page: Create Tax
CreateTax.jpg Current Status Owner Lisa Comment AU-Payroll Use the Tax Pay Component to create tax payments for a fixed amount. If an amount is entered, then that amount is in addition to standard tax, but if a percentage is entered, then it will override
Page: Creating a Custom Email Payslip Template
How to create a custom email template using standard NetSuite Scriptable Email Template, which will be used when emailing payslips to employees. Creating an Email Template You can add replacement values in the subject and the body field using Navigate to
Page: Creating a Leave Block
Leave Blocks can be used to create leave requests for all of the company or specific groups of employees in multiples or bulk. Common examples are "Christmas Closedown" "Town or Non-State based Public Holiday" and "Company Events". You can also use Leave
Page: Creating Allowance Pay Components via CSV Import
If you export the existing Pay components from NetSuite as a .csv then you should have everything you need for the import to auto map. Make sure you don't change the column headings or have a Total line at the bottom of the .csv Creating new records using
Page: Creating New Salaries - CSV Import
Create a spreadsheet with necessary headings and save as a CSV Internal ID Employee Name Pay Component Sub Type Quantity Rate Amount Start Date P&L Account The employee's NetSuite internal ID The employee's name If the employee is wages = Normal Time If t
Page: CSV Imports
If you want to import payroll data into NetSuite this can be done using standard NetSuite functionality. The CSV import functionality can be found in the SuiteAnswers (Support > Go To SuiteAnswers ) as "CSV Import Overview" or go to: https://netsuite.cus
Page: Custom Leave Accrual Types
In addition to the standard leave accrual types already set within the system you have the ability to create Custom Leave Accrual types. These accrual types can be set against select employees so that the system will apply the leave accrual as per the Lea


Page: Defaulting "Normal time" on NetSuite timesheets
NB: THIS SETTING WILL BE OVERRIDDEN EVERY TIME WE PUSH A FULL BUNDLE UPDATE TO BUNDLE 30500. YOU CAN THEN SET IT AGAIN AS PER BELOW Global search "transaction line fields" and click the bottom link. image2019-8-5_15-29-34.png 2. Find the field. "P
Page: Defaulting Normal Time Pay Component Sub Type to Weekly Time Tracking Form
If you have employees that enter time sheets into NetSuite and you would like the Normal Time Pay Component Sub type to default rather than the employee having to enter it each time, you can follow these steps. Note that you will need to repeat these step
Page: Delete Deprecated Scripts
Overview As we release updates to Infinet Cloud Payroll on a regular basis, often scripts will be replaced with newer versions. Unfortunately there are scenarios where these old (deprecated) scripts are not correctly removed by NetSuite’s bundle update pr
Page: Deleted Custom Records Saved Search
NetSuite does allow you to run a saved search on Deleted records but unfortunately not with any great level of detail. NetSuite doesn't system note deleted custom records. A full Admin can run a deleted record search...it doesn't give any data but it sho


Page: Email Payslips
The Email Employees screen allows you to select employees that you want to email the payslip to. 2021-01-06_16-25-44 V2 Current.png Email Payslips - After the Pay Run has been paid you will see the "Email Payslips" button appear. The Pay Run stage will be
Page: Emergency EFT File Generation or Regenerate EFT File
At certain times you may either be short on time to meet your bank cutoff or there could be a NetSuite issue where scheduled stages are delayed or not moving forward at all. If you have already Approved your Pay Run then an Emergency EFT file link is ava
Page: Employee Benefits
Infinet Cloud Knowledge Base Articles Payrolled Benefits in Kind (PBiK) 3. UK EOY Expenses & Benefits P11d(b) Importing P11D Details Useful Links Gov UK https://www.gov.uk/expenses-and-benefits-a-to-z
Page: Employee Guide to myGov Income Statements
For the majority of employers; starting tax year 2018-2019 they will no longer be issuing Payment Summaries. Instead as an employee you will need to login to the myGov portal and obtain whats called an Income Statement which replaces the payment summary.
Page: Employee Payroll IDs - UK
You are able to assign payroll IDs to employees - these act as unique identifiers for HMRC when submitting RTI (therefore an ID must be individual to each employee). This is not a mandatory field and is not required by HMRC but is a useful tool for the id
Page: Employee Self Service (ESS)
In addition to standard NetSuite functionality the ICS Payroll module allows an employee to manage Payroll related documents such as Payslips and PAYG Summaries and request and approve leave electronically. Features and access may be restricted or limited
Page: Employee Setup Guide
Introduction This guide describes the correct setup of employees so that you can run payruns for them successfully. You should use this guide when adding a new Employee to your payroll, or when modifying an existing Employee. You must have ICS Payroll con
Page: Enable Internal ID's
Current Status Owner Tristan Comment Non-Localised Enable Internal ID's In this stage we will enable Internal ID's on our list views. Step-by-step guide Navigate to Home > Set Preferences. Tick "Show Internal ID's" Enable ID.png image2014-9-30 10:42:59.pn
Page: Enabling 2 Factor Authentication
The NetSuite 2018.2 release enforces 2 factor authentication for the Administrator role, but does not enforce 2 factor authentication for the payroll roles included in the payroll Suite Bundle. (Australian Customer Only) If you are using Single Touch Payr
Page: Enabling STP v2 for the 22/23 Tax Year
Finalise 21/22 Tax Period Before Proceeding You must ensure you have finalised the 21/22 tax period prior to enabling STP v2. To enable STP v2 you must do the following for each Company Branch you have setup in Infinet Cloud Payroll: Run the Branch Setup
Page: Enter Employee Time
The Enter Employee Time screen shows a list of basic time entries by Employee by Pay Component. It will include any non-variable pay components including salary/wages, normal time, overtime, leave and anything that is time related (e.g. hours not $). i
Page: Enter One Off Pay Details in Advance
Overview Other than adding one off lines to a payslip during a Pay Run, you can also create One Off Pay Details (PSD's / Payslip Details) separately. This allows you to handle a variety of scenarios (e.g. Upcoming Bonuses, UK Statutory Maternity Leave, et
Page: Enter One Offs
The Enter One Off screen allows you to add 'one off' lines to the payslip. Time related additional entries can be entered at the Enter Employee Time stage, rather than as a one-off payment. Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 13.00.06.png Employee - Select the emp
Page: Enter Variable Components
The Enter Variable Pay Components screen shows a list of any pay components that have been added to employees which were set to variable, that is, the quantity or amount may change for each pay period. image2016-5-6 10:33:29.png Quantity and Rate: Edit
Page: ESS Editable Bank Details
You are able to allow employees to edit their own bank details whilst logged into the ESS. This is something that as standard we do not have switched on as there is no secondary check for whether these have then been entered correctly (number of digits/fo
Page: Excluding an Employee from Payroll
Excluding a Non Payroll Employee Record It's likely that you have people that you do not run Payroll for, but need to have a (employee) record in NetSuite. A good example of such "employees" are external contractors. To exclude someone from Payroll is as
Page: External Links


Page: Family & Domestic violence leave
Here is our take on this situation. We won't be automating anything in relation to the creation of the leave type or managing any rules around it. If you wish to track this as a separate leave type then you will need to ensure your staff and approvers ar
Page: Family and Domestic Violence Leave Setup
All employees under the Fair Work system can now access 10 days of Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave per 12-month period. The full 10 day leave entitlement will be available upfront and will renew on the employee’s work anniversary. It is not cumulati
Page: FAQ - Single Touch Payroll (STP)
Please refer to the list of frequently asked questions below. Our Single Touch Payroll (STP) Guide is now available. If you're looking for information on how to report via STP then click through to the guide now. When does STP come into effect? Single T
Page: Finalising a Financial Year (STP)
We strongly recommend waiting until the 1st of July before you start your end of year activities, and follow the step by step instructions below. Overview With the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) the process of completing payroll activities fo
Page: Finding Out of Balance Payslips
A pay run may say that it is out of balance, this is due to the total amount debited and credited not matching. You will not be able to continue the pay run until this has been balanced. You will need to ensure you are on the Pay Run page (not the Approve
Page: Finish
Setup Complete image2016-5-4 14:25:3.png If you do not receive all green ticks on this screen you will need to start the configuration wizard again and complete until you receive a screen as shown above. @parent
Page: Fix Country Flag Display on Pay Runs
On certain platforms/browsers, instead of a country flag being displayed next to Pay Run title, text shows for the respective payroll country e.g "AU", "NZ", "UK", etc. image2023-6-16_11-56-31.png image2023-6-16_11-58-34.png If you are affected, the only
Page: Fix Duplicate Script Constant Error
Overview image-20230501-043546.png A DUPLICATE_SCONST_FOUND error occurs when there is a Pay Component Sub Type with a Script Constant that is identical to another. This can cause reporting issues, among other problems. In the example above, the error mes
Page: Fix Pay Event/ebMS Queue Schedule
With STP, the Pay Event/ebMS Queue manages the automatic sending and receiving of messages with the ATO. On some NetSuite accounts this queue gets incorrectly configured upon install/upgrade of the bundle resulting in Pay Events not being automatically se
Page: Forecast Leave
You can use the Forecast Leave View to view a list of all employee's available leave hours/days Navigate to Payroll Administration > Leave Management > Leave ESS Home image2021-1-13_11-36-53.png Click Leave Approval image2021-1-13_11-37-49.png Click into
Page: Foreign Employment Income
Introduction Foreign Employment Income (FEI) is reported via Single Touch Payroll (STP) to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and is recorded as Year-To-Date (YTD) Pay Details, not as part of the pay run process. Setup Edit the employee record to exclud


Page: Grant Access to ZonePayroll
In some circumstances Infinet Cloud will request access to your system. Below are the steps to provide this access. As Payroll Administrator go to the ZonePayroll Employee Record in edit mode. Confirm the email address is set to start with your unique co


You are able to link your HMRC Gateway to NetSuite in order to receive RTI, P6, Student Loan notifications directly into the system using the HMRC Data Provisioning Service. Setting up HMRC Gateway First you will need to set up your HMRC Gateway Account t
Page: HMRC Gateway Discrepancies
It is very rare for the HMRC Gateway to show different figures to the PR-UK P32 Report. To check what has been submitted to the HMRC: Navigate to the RTI Manager: Payroll Administration > UK Reports > RTI Activity image2020-8-13_13-42-30.png Set the View
Page: How to add Employee FBT
If you have employees with FBT then you will need to ensure these records are added prior to finalisation of your STP submissions for each tax year. You have 2 options. You can add individual FBT instances (Employee FBT) or you can make your life easy an
Page: How to Setup Overtime Allowance Sub Types
Overview The STP V2 reporting requirements stipulate that an allowance that is paid for out of hours, that is not an Overtime Meal Allowance (MD) must be reported as overtime rather than an allowance. To ensure this is reported correctly you must update y
Page: How-to articles


Page: Import Leave Balances
Import Leave Balances This page explains the correct way of importing/setting up Leave Balances for an Employee. This applies to all jurisdictions and includes leave types that accrue - including Annual Leave, Time in Lieu, and Long Service Leave (LSL). T
Page: Import YTD Data
When migrating from an existing Payroll system then you may need to import existing data. The best way of doing this is by importing Year To Date (YTD) Data. At a minimum, YTD data must include Salary/Wages, Tax and Superannuation. If the employee had oth
Page: Important Employee Details (STP)
Standard Fields The following employee fields will be included with each STP Pay Event and therefore sent with each submission. Thus, you must ensure that these fields are complete and up-to-date. Field Where Comments First Name Employee Can be overridden
Page: Importing Leave History Records for Leave Entitlement
You will need a CSV with the headers: Employee Internal ID Leave Type Accrual Type Hours Pay Date Is Import? Details E.g. 1234 Annual Leave Accrual E.g. 160 E.g. 1/1/2021 Yes Annual Leave Entitlement import for full year Go to Payroll Administration > Pay
Page: Importing new Hourly rate
NB: See link to example template at the bottom of this page. Navigate to Payroll Admin>Payroll Setup>Import csv records The import type would be "custom record" and the record type is "pay component" 1. The Start Date of the pay component needs to be whe
Page: Importing new Salary
NB: See link to example template at the bottom of this page. Navigate to Payroll Admin>Payroll Setup>Import csv records The import type would be "custom record" and the record type is "pay component" 1. The Start Date of the pay component needs to be whe
Page: Importing new Salary with Back Pay
Navigate to Payroll Admin>Payroll Setup>Import csv records The import type would be "custom record" and the record type is "pay component" 1. The Start Date of the pay component needs to be when the increase is from. 2. The Back Pay to Date needs to be t
Page: Importing P11D Details
If these are the first P11D Details that you are importing for the tax year, when creating the P11D Details the parent P11D Record will be created. You will need to download the P11D import template here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c02Q8TiQj_
Page: Infinet Cloud Managed Payroll Guide - UK
Make amendments to the system by the data cut off date. For example: Salary increases https://support.infinetcloud.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30771749 Maternity/Paternity leave New starters https://support.infinetcloud.com/display/SUP/New+Starter+Se
Page: Initiate Pay Run
To start a payrun navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Activities > Start New Pay Run, the screen will refresh displaying a selection form as shown below. image2018-8-2_13-23-25.png Primary Info Subsidiary - Select Subsidiary if OneWorld account.
Page: Inland Revenue File Processing
Review IRD requirements reporting via IR File Prior to processing IR files you should review the Employer Responsibilities pages on the IRD website, particularly: http://www.ird.govt.nz/payroll-employers/returns-payments http://www.ird.govt.nz/payroll-emp
Page: Installing Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500
Current Status Owner Tristan Comment non-localised Install the Bundle In this stage we will install the ICS Payroll Bundle. Step-by-step guide Navigate to Customisation > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles image2015-2-24 18:31:4.png Change Search Typ
Page: Installing Infinet Cloud Updates Bundle 129091
Current Status Owner Fraser Comment non-localised Install the Bundle In this stage we will install the Infinet Cloud Updates Bundle 129091 This bundle is used to update targeted records and files in InfinetCloud software to minimize the need for bulk majo
Page: Integrations : Deputy Custom Field : Tax Scale Update
Overview This article outlines the actions necessary to update the Deputy Custom Field > Employee Tax Scale to match the recently updated Tax Scale names in Infinet Cloud Payroll. This field is used to set the Employee Tax Scale, and the name is used to m
Page: IR345 Filing
Employer Deductions form The IR345 is used to record and pay the deductions made from employees pay. This form should correspond to a payment made to Inland Revenue (either directly, electronically or via a Westpac Branch). From the menu, navigate to Pay
Page: IR348 Filing
Employer Monthly Schedule form The IR348 is the Employer Monthly Schedule (EMS). As the names suggests, this schedule is filed monthly. The due dates for the EMS vary depending on the size of the employer. Employer Size Due Date Large 5th of the month fo
Page: IR35 Off-Payroll Workers
IR35 (off-payroll working rules) ensure that contractors and off payroll workers pay Income Tax and National Insurance in the same manner as an employee. You are able to check if the IR35 rules apply to an employee using the HMRC Employment Status tool li


Page: JobKeeper Payment Government Initiative in AU
In order to receive payment of the JobKeeper subsidy after you have completed all of the Steps within Infinet Cloud and reported via STP you must still make a monthly declaration to the ATO. Step 2 in the ATO portal is to Identify and maintain your eligi


Page: KED Filing
KiwiSaver Employment Details form The KiwiSaver employment details (KED) form allows employers to electronically notify Inland Revenue of: New employees, who meet KiwiSaver automatic enrolment eligibility criteria (KS1); Existing employees, who are not s


Page: Leave Configuration
Leave Wizard Introduction NB: Always use the "cancel" button if you wish to Navigate away from Leave wizard without completing. If page freezes or gets stuck, try using the "back" button although it is recommended to cancel and restart the wizard. 1. Navi
Page: Leave Liability Report as at a specific date
If you need to run a Leave Liability Report as at a specific date in the past then you can follow these steps to access and then customise your own report. In your global search type "leave accrued" and you will see an option to select PR-Employee Leave A
Page: Leave Management Guide
This is the Infinet Cloud Leave Management Guide. Please pick a topic below to get started. Leave Configuration Creating a Leave Block Paying Leave in Advance Employee Self Service (ESS) Leave Wizard Introduction: Basic Employees Leave Accrual Rates Leave
Page: Leave Request Adjustment (and Reversal) Guide
Overview When a Leave Request is included in a Pay Run, the status of the Leave Request is updated to 'Processed' and no further changes can be made. This guide details the process of making changes to a Leave Request after it has been linked to a Pay Ru
Page: Leave Request functions (REST)
Overview This page has been marked for review as the information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. The getLeaveRequests and updateLeaveRequest
Page: Legislative Changes to Salary Sacrifice and Super in AU
From 1 January 2020, salary sacrificed super contributions cannot be used to reduce your super guarantee obligations, regardless of the amount your employee elects to salary sacrifice. This means for the purposes of super guarantee (SG), the salary sacrif
Page: List of REST Records & Fields
This page has been marked for review as the information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. The following information shows the records exposed v


Page: Manage Leave Balances - Leave History Records
The instructions below are regarding Annual Leave but the same instruction apply to other Leave Types. If you need to make an adjustment to an employee's leave balance then you'll need to create a Leave History Record (LHR). This page details adding these
Page: Managing Sick Leave
Unpaid Sick Leave & SSP Entering Unpaid Sick Leave If you are processing a period of unpaid sick leave or a period of statutory sick pay you will need to enter unpaid leave for the employee first. Navigate to the Employee Record > Leave Info tab > Leave R
Page: Managing Student and Postgraduate Loans
Student Loans There are 4 Student Loan Plan Types each with a different threshold for repayments: Plan 1 - £20,195 annually Plan 2 - £27,295 annually Plan 4 - £25,375 annually An Employee repays 9% of the amount they earn over the threshold for Plan 1, 2
Page: Matrix Payroll Import Guide
Matrix Payroll Import is used to import time, payments and other payroll changes using a standardised template and is specific to each Customer. This is the guide to creating additional mappings and fields for Matrix Payroll Import. Follow the sections an


Page: NetSuite timesheet filtering for Pay Sub types
Overview ICS Payroll uses the "pay component sub type" on NetSuite timesheets in order to process payroll. This field contains all relevant pay sub types including leave and other time types. Under certain circumstances customers may wish to restrict whic
Page: New Zealand
Page: Notify ATO of Infinet Cloud Payroll (STP)
Overview In order to meet your STP reporting obligations - it is necessary to notify the ATO that you are using Infinet Cloud Payroll. You will need to do this for each business entity (I.e ABN or Branch) that you run Payroll for using our software. The p
Page: NZ Payday Filing Guide
As of the 1st of April 2019, Payday Filing is compulsory for all New Zealand employers. For more information see the Inland Revenue's website https://www.ird.govt.nz/, specifically Employer Responsibilities https://www.ird.govt.nz/payroll-employers/return
Page: NZ Payday Reporting FAQ
From 1 April 2019 New Zealand employers must: file employment information every payday instead of an Employer monthly schedule (IR348) provide new and departing employees' address information, as well as their date of birth - if provided For more informat



Page: Pay Pay Run
The Pay Pay Run screen creates the payment journal entry and bank file (ABA) for upload. image2016-1-14 14:45:56.png Click on Pay Pay Run EFT Upload If using an ABA file, you will see those employees who have "EFT Upload" as their Net Pay Payment Method.
Page: Pay Payroll Vendors : Superfunds and ATO using Liability Accounts from Journals
There are many different ways to pay your Payroll Vendors out of NetSuite. This page provides instructions for paying the ATO and and Superfund vendors using Bill Payments in NetSuite. The same principal can be applied for any other payroll vendor. The li
Page: Pay Run is Stuck at Scheduled
Depending on the volume of data, there are certain stages of the Pay Run that may go to "Scheduled". Those stages will most likely be at Initiate, Time Entry, Post Payslips & Pay Payslips. Basically this means that your Pay Run has gone into a NetSuite q
Page: Pay Run Processing Guide
This guide provides information on each step of the pay run process from initialisation, through to distributing payslips. A progress bar will guide you through the payroll process. For more information see Pay Run Progress Bar. Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at
Page: Pay Run Progress Bar
Overview The Progress Bar was introduce with our 19.2 release in June 2019. It provides a graphical representation of the current state and progress through a pay run including upcoming steps. .Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 22.41.49.png Collapsing/Expanding t
Page: Paying Employees in a Foreign Currency
Overview Under certain circumstances Infinet Cloud Payroll may have the ability to process payroll for employees being paid in a foreign currency. The solution we have available is only suitable when the employee is being paid a fixed amount in the foreig
Page: Paying Leave in Advance
Overview If you allow employees to be paid in advance when going on Leave, the following procedure will ensure you are able to process in Payroll automatically from the Leave request. An example of paying Leave in Advance would be when an Employee is paid
Page: Paying Out Annual or Holiday Leave
This article explains how to pay out Annual, LSL or Holiday leave for an employee if they request it. There are two methods for processing this leave - either in your standard pay run, or via adjustment run. Both methods are outlined below. You should ch
Page: Paying Payroll Vendors Via EFT File
If you wish to pay your Payroll Vendors in your payroll EFT File at the same time as your employees you can follow these steps: Firstly navigate to payroll Configuration Wizard 1. Configuration Wizard and at Step 4 tick the Pay Vendors in EFT File box, th
Page: Payment After Leaving - Update By CSV
If you have a significant number of payslips to set as Payment After Leaving and recalculate on the correct Tax basis this can be done by CSV and utilising the Update Payslips deployment. This would only be advisable if you have a large number of records
Page: Payroll Config - Calculation Methods
There are two fields in the payroll config that you will need to select a calculation method. This is for the Part Period Calculation Method and the Mid Period Pro Rata Method. Part Period Calculation Method = used to calculate part period adjustments and
Page: Payroll Expense Allocation Grouping
By default payroll expenses will firstly post to the account that is set on the Pay Component Sub type, which will normally have been set during the Configuration process. If you have employees that need to post to a different account for different sub t
Page: Payroll Expense Re-allocation
ICS Journals can be created to allocate the payroll cost by classification (Department, Class and/or Location). This is set in the configuration. There is also a separate process you can run to re-allocate expenses - this page describes both Classificatio
Page: Payroll Menu Changes
If you have been redirected here from your payroll navigation its because you clicked on the message - - - Moved to "Australia (AU)" - - -. To find the moved link you need to look in the Australia Sub Option, or look in the moved navigation and links sect
Page: Payroll REST Integration
Overview This page has been marked for review as some information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. This document outlines the RESTful interfac
Home page: Payroll Support
This knowledge base is no longer being maintained and will be removed. Please update your bookmarks and visit https://payroll-help.zoneandco.com/ https://payroll-help.zoneandco.com/ Infinet-Cloud_high-resolution.png Welcome to our updated support knowledg
Page: Payrolled Benefits in Kind (PBiK)
You are able to payroll benefits and expenses so that they are taxed throughout the year. If you do so you will not need to create a p11d for each employee but you will need to submit the NI Class 1A liability on a P11D(b). To payroll your employee’s bene
Page: Payslip Detail - CSV Import
Below is an example of a Payslip Detail Import for a Bonus payment. If you have the Created Step set to “For Processing” this means the payslip detail created will pull into the next Pay Run for this employee at the “Process Payslips” stage. First you wil
Page: Payslip Gross Up (Experimental)
Updating the Config Access the payroll configuration record (not the wizard) and open in edit Locate the "Gross Up" feature in the general options group and check it and save the record image2020-8-18_11-13-36.png Unhide net pay field on the PSD by going
Page: Pensions - UK
Auto Enrolment requires employers in the UK to put qualifying staff into a workplace pension scheme - employees and employers must make contributions towards the employee's pension. This knowledge base article covers a number of situations you may come ac
Page: Post Pay Run
The Post Payruns screen shows final details for each employee. The payslip can be viewed before posting. image2016-5-6 10:52:16.png Override Posting Period - Posting period will be the period of the period end date. Override Posting Date - Posting date w
Page: Pre - Finalise Payrun Activity
You should not start the End Of Year Process until you have completed all pay runs for the current Tax Year. Before commencing the end of year activity you should ensure All payruns have been completed and paid All payruns have been successfully submitted
Page: pre-config - Accounts, Roles and Payroll Vendors
Accounts Check your Chart of Accounts for completeness. Discuss your requirements with your implementation consultant. We suggest using “Other Current Liability” accounts for Payroll Liabilities. Examples below: image-3.png Using a separate "PAYG Remitte
Page: pre-config - Security
All Payroll related fields and records have permissions applied to them. Only an Administrator or Payroll Administrator should be able to see fields, view records or run reports Contact support@infinetcloud.com mailto:support@infinetcloud.com immediatel
Page: Pre-Release Notice - Infinet Cloud Payroll
Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500 - Version 23.2.00 This notice is to inform you about an intended update to your Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500 Listed below are the target release dates, required actions and details of the updates that will be inclu
Page: Preparing for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2
Introduction As the end of financial year draws closer, it's important that you begin your account preparation in order to transition to STP V2 from 1st of July 2022. NB: Our blanket deferral covers you until 1st of August 2022. If you do not anticipate b
Page: Process an Adjustment Pay Run
An Adjustment Pay Run is a pay run in its own right. It does not change anything on a previously paid/posted pay run. If you need to make changes to a pay run that has not been paid/posted then you should Roll it back and make changes at the Approval scre
Page: Process External Leave
NB: This functionality is no longer offered for new implementation post 1/7/2019. Existing users will still be supported for existing jurisdictions and functionality only. NB: There are a number of limitations or restrictions that may apply. Translations
Page: Process Payslips
The Process Payslips screen allows you to enter a Bonus, Reimbursable Expenses or Commission for employees. These amounts will be taxed according to the pay frequency of the pay run. To enter more details than the amount or other pay component sub types,
Page: Processing Government Paid Parental Leave (GPPL)
Processing an employee under the Australian Government Paid Parental Leave (GPPL) scheme is as simple as setting up the correct Pay Component and Leave settings. This article is broken up into 3 main sections: Setup an employee for GPPL Paying an employee
Page: Public Holiday Timesheets
This is used where you want to create a timesheet for a public holiday rather than using the automatic entries that come into the pay run. Step 1. Payroll Configuration Global search: page:Payroll Config image-20240416-043126.png Edit the relevant Payroll



Page: Re-Employing or Re-Instating a Terminated Employee - UK
If the employee has been incorrectly terminated and you have not issued a P45 you are able to delete the P45 termination record if you have created one, remove the termination date on the employee record and continue paying them as usual, this will update
Page: Recalculating a Payslip
If you manually adjust a payslip or add a detail line then you must recalculate the payslip to ensure that tax and pensions are adjusted accordingly and that the posting information is correct i.e. the payslip is not out of balance. When Recalculating a P
Page: Recording Parental Leave without Pay (NZ)
1. Review Parental Leave on DOL website The link below on the Department of Labour websites gives you information about an employees rights and entitlements to Parental Leave. http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/parentalleave/ http://www.dol.govt.
Page: Release Notices
Overview This page includes information about updates to your Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500. Each update includes a number of changes that you should review. Please pay special attention to the dates listed and any required actions. Current/Upcoming
Page: Remittance Module Superstream Update
This document serves to outline the changes associated with the introduction of Superstream; and the actions needed to configure the remittance module to use SuperStream with Click Super. Whilst the current remittance module submits all contributions elec
Page: Remove access from an inactive employee
To remove access NetSuite access from an inactive employee: Log into NetSuite as Administrator (not Payroll Administrator) Go to the Employees list - from the menu select List > Employees > Employees Mark the Show Inactives checkbox Locate the employee an
Page: Renewing Signing Credentials
Overview Single Touch Payroll reports are submitted to the ATO using Infinet Cloud's AUSKey as a signing credential. Each AUSKey has an expiry date; once expired the AUSKey cannot be used for signing purposes. The current Infinet Cloud Payroll AUSKey expi
Page: Reporting a Pay Run (Employment Information)
Overview You must report any New Zealand Pay Run information within two days of a Pay Date. Employment Information includes employee's income for each pay cycle. Once a Pay Run reaches the Paid stage, Infinet Cloud Payroll automatically generates the requ
Page: Reporting a Pay Run (STP)
Schedule Submission of a Pay Event As long as you've run the Branch Setup Assistant, you will automatically be prompted to create a STP Pay Event towards the end of every Pay Run you process in Infinet Cloud Payroll. Exactly when you are prompted, depends
Page: Reporting as an Intermediary (STP)
Introduction If a Tax Agent or Business Intermediary is responsible for running and reporting Payroll on-behalf of your organisation, you will need to setup an Intermediary record, so that the person(s) may select the correct Intermediary and make the app
Page: Reporting Contractor Payments (Vendor Employment Information)
Overview Under Payday Filing, as previously, you need to submit details of any Contractor (Vendors in NetSuite) Payments. Although the Payday Report format is the same as the Employment Information Payday Filing report, it needs to be generated separately
Page: Reporting New & Departing Employees (Employee Details)
Overview Under Payday Filing, you will need to upload the details of new and departing employees. This information is expected to be supplied to IR no later than the next filing of employment information but can be supplied earlier as per the Taxation Act
Page: Reporting New Contractors (Vendor Employee Details)
Overview As previously required, under Payday Filing, you also need to upload details of any new Contractors (Vendors in NetSuite). Although the Payday Report format is the same as the Employee Details Payday Filing report, it needs to be generated separa
Page: REST Sample Requests
Connecting to REST interface This page has been marked for review as the information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. The REST webservice is o
Page: Review/Fix Leave Accruals
Overview The leave accrual process occurs at the Posting Stage of the Pay Run and runs as a scheduled process in NetSuite. In rare instances there may be situations where this scheduled process can fail resulting in incorrect leave balances as the genera
Page: Reviewing Ran Workflows
You can check to see which workflows have been run on an Employee’s Record. Navigate to the Employee Record > System Info Tab > Workflow History Sub Tab You can sort by the “Date Entered State” to see which workflow has been run most recently. image-20220
Page: Roll Back a Pay Run
There are certain circumstances where rolling back a pay run may be required, e.g. Incorrect Pay Run dates were used Something was missed on a previous Pay Run stage, and needs to be corrected/entered An error has occurred and the displayed message requir
Page: RTI - Omission of Termination Date
If you have omitted an employee's termination date on a submitted FPS and you wish to correct this you will need to submit a second FPS with the dates. If you do not need to pay anything further to the employee: Go to the employee record/s and open in Edi


Page: Sending an Update Pay Event (STP)
Overview There are a number of scenarios when you may need to send an Update Pay Event. An Update Pay Event includes YTD totals for the employees you send it for. Since it is not linked to a Pay Run, no specific Pay Run information is included. Some of th
Page: Sending TFN Declarations (STP)
Overview This page applies to STP v1 only. With the introduction of STP version/phase 2, Tax Information including TFN and Tax Treatment Codes are sent for every Employee with each Pay Event submitted to the ATO With the introduction of STP, TFN Declarati
Page: Setting a fixed Tax Rate on a Pay Component Sub Type (PCST)
If you are creating a new Pay Component Sub Type that requires its own tax rate then below is an example of the fields that you need to set. if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the System Set Fields section. Complete as outlined. If
Page: Setting a Message on the Payslips
Setting a Message on an Individual Payslip Once the payslip is processed (prior to approval): Open the payslip in question and click edit Go to the "Other" tab Write the message in the "Payslip Message" Field Save image2021-2-8_15-23-27.png When you revie
Page: Setting up a Manual Tax Pay Component
How to setup an employee pay component to calculate tax manually. From time to time you may need to create a manual tax pay component for an employee typically for one of the following reasons: The employee wishes to nominate an amount of tax to be taken
Page: Setting up a Payroll Vendor
Navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > Vendors > New image2020-6-12_9-40-18.png Confirm if it is a company or an Individual you are paying Put in the vendor’s name Select the subsidiary this vendor needs to be linked to On the Payroll Tab
Page: Setting Up Attachment of Earnings - UK
If you wish to use Vendors to record the deductions against, or pay the deductions to the recipient in the Net Wages file, you must first create a Vendor record. If you pay your Net wages by uploading a bank file you can elect to include these deductions
Page: Setting up Global Leave Calendar on NetSuite Dashboard
With ICS Leave Management you can get a global view of employees' leave straight from you dashboard. To do this, you must first enable and then add the calendar to a dashboard. Both steps are detailed below. Enable Global Calendar View For a Global Leave
Page: Setting Up New Tax Year
The following instructions outlined how to setup NetSuite for a New Tax Year creating Tax Periods and Accounting Periods. Step-by-step guide Add the steps involved: Login to NetSuite as Administrator and navigate to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting
Page: Setup NetSuite Token Based (TBA) Authentication
Overview The following instructions detail how to configure Token Based Authentication with the Administrator role in an account. This can be used for various external integrations with ICS Payroll, including Payroll REST Integration. NetSuite's token-bas
Page: Single Touch Payroll
The Australian 2018/2019 financial year is fast approaching, and with it, the obligation for many of you to report via Single Touch Payroll (STP). In short, STP translates to the requirement of reporting pay information directly to the ATO on or before ea
Page: Single Touch Payroll (STP) Guide
The ATO has provided extensive documentation on Single Touch Payroll https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/Single-Touch-Payroll/ for businesses/employers. At a minimum, we recommend you read the Single Touch Payroll Employer Reporting Guidelines for phase 1 htt
Page: Sitemap Index
Page: Stand Down Leave Setup
Infinet Cloud Payroll update bundle now contains automated creation of this sub type. The update will take about 10 minutes and can be pushed at any time. Please email support@infinetcloud.com mailto:support@infinetcloud.com to request update 20.1.02-JK .
Page: Statutory Maternity Calculator
This function currently only supports the “Weekly Calculation” (for Monthly paid staff it still works, but calculates the payments weekly), please ensure you validate all inputs and outputs and report any issues or queries to uksupport@infinetcloud.com ma
Page: Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
To use this functionality there are a few steps that need to be taken for it to work successfully. You may encounter errors within a Pay Run process if not followed. Steps to use the new 24.2 feature of SSP Calculations and Automation Enable SSP within Pa
Page: Step by Step Guides
Page: STP - Important Employee Information
The following is an excerpt from an Australian Taxation Office message received on Wait until your payment summary information is tax ready The way you get your payment summary information is changing. Your end-of-year payment summary information, now c
Page: STP > Reporting > Employee Termination Payment (ETP)
Overview The ATO requirement is to report the following information related to ETPs; each employee can have 0 or more ETP's reported grouped by ETP Code and Payment Effective Date. ETP Code A code that identifies the reason for the Employment Termination
Page: STP Phase 2 Changes
Overview This page outlines the changes introduced with Infinet Cloud Payroll version 21.3. These changes were necessary for the support of Single Touch Payroll reporting Phase 2 (STP v2). You should already be familiar with the changes introduced by the
Page: STP V2 Employee Integration / CSV Mapping Changes
Overview The introduction of Single Touch Payroll V2 has brought updates to the employee record for AU employees. This article provides details on these changes to assist with updating CSV imports, and 3rd Party Integrations. The changes can be summarised
Page: Super Concessional Caps
Here is what TAPS (https://www.payroll.com.au/ https://www.payroll.com.au/) has to say about it Concessional caps: A concessional contribution cap is a cap on the value of superannuation contributions that can be taxed at a concessional rate. Concessional
Page: Sync Employee functions (REST)
Overview This page has been marked for review as the information maybe inaccurate or outdated. An integration with this REST API should only be made after consultation with Infinet Cloud as to the requirements. The add and update of employee records is ma


Page: Tags
Page: Tax Calculation links
When running payroll, there are times when you may need to check or do manual calculations. To do so, you may find some of the links below useful. Please note that the list of links below is provided as courtesy and is not exhaustive. Australia New Zealan
Page: Terminating an Employee - UK
Prior to entering a termination date for an employee you will need to complete any time entries or leave requests. Once you set a Termination Date, NetSuite will prevent further time entries being made against an employee. Setting the Termination Date Na
Page: Termination Payments
Terminating Employees - No Payment Required If there is no requirement to process a termination pay run for an employee, simply edit the Employee record and change the following fields: Navigate to the Employee Record. Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 2.00.30 pm
Page: Terminology & Concepts (STP)
With the introduction of STP, we have introduced a number of new records and terminology you will need to be familiar with. Other than the definitions on this page, we recommend you also familiarise yourself with the ATO's STP Definitions of Terms https:/
Page: Test page
Page: TFN Declarations
Document Overview This document outlines the functionality of the TFN declaration module used for Australian New Starters. The module provides functionality to record TFN declaration data as entered on TFN declaration forms, and provides a means to group
Page: Transfer Files - File Cabinet
You will have a Payroll Documents file cabinet created already to hold all payroll PDFs, this file cabinet will be accessible and managed by the Payroll Group. To add files to the folder in the file cabinet and transfer: Navigate to Payroll Administration
Page: Troubleshooting articles
Page: Troubleshooting Pay Events (STP)
Error Codes and Solutions Most error messages that may be displayed on a Pay Event should be self-explanatory. If you've received a cryptic error message and are unsure of what to do then please refer to the below table. You should perform the action(s) d


Page: UK Auto-Enrolment Pension Contribution Rates Uplift
Pensions Regulator Guidance: Tax Year Ending 2020 Rates https://www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk/en/employers/increase-of-automatic-enrolment-contributions This guide outlines the process and considerations for uplifting auto-enrolment contribution rates
Page: UK Auto-Enrolment Thresholds
https://www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk/en/business-advisers/automatic-enrolment-guide-for-business-advisers/9-knowing-your-clients-ongoing-duties/automatic-enrolment-earnings-threshold https://www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk/en/business-advisers/automati
Page: UK End of Year Guide
Welcome to the ICS UK End Of Year Guide. Do not run any End of Year / New Tax Year processes until you have been notified that your bundle has been updated to the most recent release This guide breaks down each step required to complete your end of year o
Page: UK Enrolment Guide
Overview The UK enrolment record is used to capture new starter payroll information and employee information required for the RTI FPS submission. The form captures the pertinent information from the P45, New Starter Checklist and New Starter Checklist Exp
Page: UK EPS, Employment Allowance and the De-minimis State Aid field
From April 6th 2020 there is new criteria to claim Employment allowance, which now must also be claimed each tax year. This was announced on the gov.uk site on 10th February 2020 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/changes-to-employment-allowance. Further informa
Page: UK New Starter Setup
Overview This guide describes the setup of employees so that you can run payruns for them successfully. You should use this guide when adding a new Employee to your payroll, or when modifying an existing Employee. You must have ICS Payroll configured for
Page: UK Preparing for New Tax Year
Please do not run the Tax Code Uplift Tool until you have had your account updated to the newest version - you will receive notification of this update. Prior to starting a payrun with a pay date in the new tax year you must complete the following: Ensur
Page: UK RTI Reporting
FPS When to Submit an FPS An FPS should be submitted for each standard and adjustment Pay Run on or before the pay date of the run in question. Initiating & Submitting the FPS Navigate to the appropriate Pay Run - this must be a finalised pay run Click
Page: Unable to Open/Download Payroll Documents
Payroll Documents Folder Access Issue Due to an enhanced security measure recently introduced by NetSuite you may find that your Payroll Administrator is no longer able to download and access these items and is redirected to a Shopping Basket Page. In ord
Page: Understanding Data Reporting (STP v2)
Overview With the introduction of STP v2 the way data is collated in Payroll has changed to meet the new ATO reporting requirements. This page details the various amounts that may be reported to the ATO and specifies the conditions that must be met for ea
Page: Understanding Data Validation (STP)
Overview The ATO mandate that the data supplied in Single Touch Payroll Pay Events must conform to a strict specification. In many instances the specification is much stricter than the data validation that applies generally in Netsuite. As the employee re
Page: Understanding Pay Run Posting Errors
Invalid Record Ref An error message has been returned in the payroll history containing the message INVALID_KEY_OR_REF. The error denotes that the system was unable to complete its processing action. The following are examples of common invalid record ref
Page: Understanding STP Reporting
Overview STP Reporting refers to the step displayed from the pay run when the STP report button is pressed, or when an STP update is initiated from the navigation menu. The reporting step displays summary data that will be sent as a Submit or Update pay e
Page: United Kingdom
Page: Unpaid Leave Processing
Additional automation has been added to the 3 following areas. Unpaid Leave Requests spanning Public Holidays Basic Time Entry default behaviour Creation of Non-Service Periods for Unpaid Leave Unpaid Leave Requests By default, Infinet Cloud Payroll will
Page: Update of Pay Component forms
Overview In Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500 Version 19.3.00 we have updated Employee Pay Component forms to include field groups. Hopefully this makes it easier to read and enter information. See the description of the field groups and fields below. A
Page: Update of Pay Component Sub type form
Overview In Infinet Cloud Payroll Bundle 30500 Version 19.3.00 we have updated the Pay Component Sub type form to expand on field groups and reorder some of the fields. Hopefully this makes it easier read and enter information. A Pay Component Sub type i
Page: Updating Pay Components via CSV Import
If you export the existing Pay components from NetSuite as a .csv then you should have everything you need for the import to auto map. Make sure you don't change the column headings or have a Total line at the bottom of the .csv Navigate to Payroll Admin
Page: Updating your HMRC Gateway ID and Password
As of May 2019 HMRC are deprecating their old authentication system. This means some Customers may need to re-encrypt their existing passwords within Infinet Cloud to be able to submit their RTI. Role required: Payroll Administrator Please note, run this
Page: Using Email Templates For Leave Request Notifications
How to create and use custom email templates using standard NetSuite Scriptable Email Template for leave request notifications. Overview When using leave management, emails are sent on change of the leave request status (if the email suppress option has n
Page: Using the HMRC Tax Calculator
For the Employer If you are unsure of a tax calculation you can use the HMRC Tax Calculator and data off the Payslip Record. To use the HMRC Tax Calculator: Navigate to the Payroll Record you are querying the tax for, hover over More in the top right corn
Page: Using the Posting Info Search
You can use the posting info search for a number of reasons. It shows the posting information of payslip details and can be filtered and sorted by a number of fields. To check what constitutes a journal entry Note which journal entry you are looking to br


Page: v23.2.00
Version 23.2.00 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 16th June 2023 All TSTDRVS & Partners 23rd June 2023 All AU 30th June 2023 All NZ and UK Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add th
Page: v23.2.01
Version 23.2.01 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 28th of June 2023 ALL accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Changes Included Fix for processing P
Page: v23.2.02
Version 23.2.02 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 28th of July 2023 ALL accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Changes Included AU > STP > Re-instat
Page: v23.3.00
Version 23.3.00 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 2nd of Dec 2023 TSTDRV & Partner 9th of Dec 2023 AU, NZ and UK Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Chang
Page: v23.3.01
Version 23.3.01 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 15th of Dec 2023 All accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Changes Included All Countries Basic T
Page: v23.3.02
Version 23.3.02 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 27th January 2024 All accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Changes Included General Bug Fixes
Page: v24.1.00
Version 24.1.0 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 16th March 2024 TSTDRV & Partner 30th March 2024 NZ and UK, and starting AU and CA Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payro
Page: v24.1.01
Version 24.1.01 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 14th April 2024 Existing Accounts Running 24.1.00 5th May 2024 (TBC) Other Accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Pay
Page: v24.1.02
Version 24.1.02 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 9th May 2024 All Accounts Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab Changes Included Minor Bug fixes NZ: Add S
Page: v24.2.00
Version 24.2.00 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 15th June 2024 Test Drive & Partner Accounts 22nd June 2024 AU & NZ Customers 29th June 2024 (TBC) UK & CA Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll th
Page: v24.2.01
Version 24.2.01 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 30th June 2024 Test Drive, AU & NZ Customers 7th July 2024 (TBC) UK & CA Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payr
Page: v24.2.02
Version 24.2.02 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 7th July 2024 UK & CA Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab If you set as inactive any Custom Pa
Page: v24.2.03
Version 24.2.03 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 14th July 2024 NZ Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab https://infinetcloud-support.atlassian.n
Page: v24.2.04
Version 24.2.04 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 22nd July 2024 NZ, CA, UK Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab If you set as inactive any Custo
Page: v24.2.05
Version 24.2.05 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 10th Aug 2025 All Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab If you set as inactive any Custom Payrol
Page: v24.2.06
Version 24.2.06 Target Release Dates Starting Date Releasing to Accounts 29th Sept 2024 All Customers Required Actions If you use the Administrator role for Payroll then you may need to re-add the Payroll Centre Tab If you set as inactive any Custom Payro
Page: Victorian Long Service Leave Act 2018
Comes into effect 1/11/2018 http://www.business.vic.gov.au/hiring-and-managing-staff/long-service-leave-victoria/long-service-leave-an-overview http://www.business.vic.gov.au/hiring-and-managing-staff/long-service-leave-victoria/long-service-leave-an-over


Page: Working with the Payslip Template
Payslip Template Language The payslip template is stored in a custom record as HTML , the HTML is written with special tags identified by ${something} that are replaced prior to generating the PDF. Trimpath can run both client side and server side, and wa





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