Pre - Finalise Payrun Activity

Pre - Finalise Payrun Activity

You should not start the End Of Year Process until you have completed all pay runs for the current Tax Year.

Before commencing the end of year activity you should ensure

  • All payruns have been completed and paid
  • All payruns have been successfully submitted to HMRC with an FPS and successful response.

If an error or discrepancy is found after year end it can be corrected with an adjustment payrun, it is now possible to send "Prior Year FPS" (any period) as well as "Prior Year EPS" (Month 12 only) if you need to make adjustments after the year end. If you need further support with this please contact uksupport@infinetcloud.com.

Directors National Insurance

If you have Directors in your M12 / W52 pay run please be aware that their National Insurance may be different in the final period of the year. https://www.gov.uk/employee-directors

Once you have completed your review you can proceed to 1. Submit Employer Payment Summary (EPS)

UK End Of Year Guide