12. Finish Up

12. Finish Up

Additional configuration

Your organisation or employee may have specific circumstances that require additional configuration not covered in this guide. For example, you may now need to:

Review Employees

Once you have setup your employee you should review their information to ensure nothing has been omitted. The best way of doing this is by going back to the list of employees and reviewing from there. Specific steps are defined below.

  1. You should have the Employees list already open in a separate tab; if not, then navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Records > Employees
  2. Make sure you have the PR-Payroll Basics Review view selected.
  3. Scan the list, if an employee is setup correctly for Payroll then all fields will be completed. Any blanks (missing info) will likely mean that information is missing or that the employee has not been setup for Payroll.
Employee Setup Guide


You may need to refresh the Employees list page to see any recent employee changes.

Now that your employees are setup, you can run a pay run by following the Pay Run Processing Guide

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