Payslip Gross Up (Experimental)

Payslip Gross Up (Experimental)

Updating the Config

  1. Access the payroll configuration record (not the wizard) and open in edit
  2. Locate the "Gross Up" feature in the general options group and check it and save the record
  3. Unhide net pay field on the PSD by going to Payroll Administration > Record types
  4. Open the Payslip Detail record
  5. Click into the "Net Amount" field
  6. Change the display type to "Normal" 
  7. Check "Show in List" and then save

Processing the Pay

  1. Initiate an Adjustment Payrun
  2. Select the required employees
  3. Ensure "Skip Pay Components" is checked
  4. Once at processed pending approval - manually create a PSD
  5. Enter the correct type and sub type (this cannot be deduction, tax, pension, salary sacrifice)
  6. Enter an amount (e.g. 1) in the amount field
  7. Net pay field as the required net amount
  8. Recalculate the payslip
  9. Untick reprocess pensions and percentages - this does not gross up with pensionable earnings
  10. Click Recalculate
  11. The system then sets the amount for the payslip detail based on the gross up of net amount