Recalculating a Payslip

Recalculating a Payslip

If you manually adjust a payslip or add a detail line then you must recalculate the payslip to ensure that tax and pensions are adjusted accordingly and that the posting information is correct i.e. the payslip is not out of balance.

When Recalculating a Payslip there a few options available:Ā 

When in a Payslip Detail

After completing/editing the payslip detail there are two options:

  1. Click "Recalculate All"
  2. Click OK. This will recalculate using the defaults:
    - Tax will be recalculated
    - Pensions will be recalculated
    - Any pay components set up as a percentage will be recalculated
    -Ā This will recalculate using the tax code and NI Category Letter on the Payslip.

If you do not want to recalculate the payslip with these defaults set - for exampleĀ if you have manually amended the pension contribution -Ā then you should not use the "Recalculate All" button as this may result in your changes being overwritten. Instead:

  1. Click Recalculate
  2. Select whether you want to reprocess tax, pensions and percentages by ticking/unticking as required
  3. Change the tax code used to recalculate the payslip if required
  4. Change the NI Category letter used to recalculate the payslip if required
  5. Click Recalculate
  6. Click OK on the pop-up to recalculate

When in the Payslip

You are able to recalculate a payslip without going into a payslip detail.

  1. When in the payslip, click Recalculate
  2. Select whether you want to reprocess tax, pensions and percentages by ticking/unticking as required
  3. Change the tax code used to recalculate the payslip if required
  4. Change the NI Category letter used to recalculate the payslip if required
  5. Click Recalculate
  6. Click OK on the pop-up to recalculate

When Deleting a Payslips Detail

If you need to delete a payslip detail from a payslip:

  1. Go into the payslip detail in question, click Delete & Recalculate
  2. Click OK on the pop-upĀ 
  3. Select whether you want to reprocess tax, pensions and percentages by ticking/unticking as required
  4. Change the tax code used to recalculate the payslip if required
  5. Change the NI Category letter used to recalculate the payslip if required
  6. Click Recalculate
  7. Click OK on the pop-up

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