9. Human Resources tab

9. Human Resources tab

All of the fields under the Human Resources tab are standard NetSuite fields. However, since ICS Payroll is tightly integrated with NetSuite, many of these fields are used for Payroll specific functions including leave provisions and reporting. At a minimum, we recommend you complete the following fields:

  • Birth Date - enter the employee's date of birth
  • Hire Date - enter the hire date of the employee


When changing the Hire Date, you will likely receive an alert similar to the one below. Make sure you read it and click OK if you agree, otherwise the employee's Continuous Service Date, Years of Service and Leave Entitlements may be incorrect.

  • Type - select the type of employee. This is primarily used for reporting purposes
  • Gender - select the employee's gender

Employee Setup Guide

Remember to Save!

Once you've entered all the information, you should now save the Employee. To save:

  • Click the Save button
  • Wait for page to reload and the green confirmation to display

Once you have setup the employee's details, continue onto step 10. Add Super/Pension Funds

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