ESS Editable Bank Details

ESS Editable Bank Details

You are able to allow employees to edit their own bank details whilst logged into the ESS.

This is something that as standard we do not have switched on as there is no secondary check for whether these have then been entered correctly (number of digits/format etc). If you are giving this access you will want to ensure you are checking these are set up correctly before each payroll.

To make Bank Details editable in the ESS for employees:

  1. Ensure all employees have assigned access to one of the unlocked Employee Centre roles e.g. ESS Centre (Unlocked)

  2. You will need to be logged in as Administrator

  3. Navigate to Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles

  4. In edit mode open ESS Centre (Unlocked) 

  5. Under the Permissions Tab > Custom Records Sub Tab you need to add a line for Payroll Bank Account and set this to the relevant level of access and restrict as required (e.g. edit, edit).

  6. When the employee is logged in using ESS (Unlocked) under “My Information” the employee will see Payroll Bank Details

  7. They can then click Edit on the record


  8. The employee can then amend their bank details and save them. Once saved the changes will be applied to the employee record.