Public Holiday Timesheets

Public Holiday Timesheets

This is used where you want to create a timesheet for a public holiday rather than using the automatic entries that come into the pay run.

Step 1. Payroll Configuration

Global search: page:Payroll Config


Edit the relevant Payroll Config record, and unmark the “Use Public Holidays” checkbox in the payroll configuration, otherwise you will have two entries for public holidays at Basic Time in the pay run.

Do not change the settings on the employee, the script respects these in the same way that the normal process does.

Step 2. Scheduled Script

Customisation > Scripting > Scripts

Find “Update Employees Scheduled Script” and Select a deployment. There needs to be one deployment per subsidiary so that leave configuration can be picked up, especially if you need to set a leave project on the public holiday.

Additional parameters can also be set for start and end date and days in advance. Start and end date would normally be used if you are trying to update historical public holidays, by default the date range to set the public holidays when the script runs will be public holidays in the current month.

The days in advance parameter (daysinadvance) can be used to extend the period that is looked at to create the public holidays created. Days in advance will be how many days from the start date of the current month that public holidays will be created.



Update Type : publicholidays

JSON Update : {"daysinadvance" : "60”}


{"startdate":"01/01/2021", "enddate":"31/01/2021":"daysinadvance":"60”}