Sending TFN Declarations (STP)

Sending TFN Declarations (STP)


STP v1 only

This page applies to STP v1 only. With the introduction of STP version/phase 2, Tax Information including TFN and Tax Treatment Codes are sent for every Employee with each Pay Event submitted to the ATO

With the introduction of STP, TFN Declarations can be automatically sent with a STP Pay Event. This means that you no longer need to notify the ATO manually (paper or electronically) when you have an employee on-boarding. The same applies for when you receive a new TFN Declaration from an employee because of a change.

TFN Declarations will be automatically picked the next time you process Pay Run for the associated employee(s) and will get included in the Pay Event.

Sending TFN Declarations

Ensure TFN Declarations get sent

When creating the TFN Declaration record:

  1. If you are running OneWorld, select a Subsidiary
  2. If you have multiple Branches setup, select the appropriate Branch
  3. Ensure that the For STP Inclusion checkbox is marked. It will automatically be marked if the Branch has been setup for STP (see Branch Setup Assistant (Configure STP).
  4. Ensure that Included On Pay Event is blank. This will be automatically populated once it has been sent.

Identify TFN Decs Pending Submission

From the Payroll Administration menu, select Single Touch Payroll (AU) > TFN Declarations to be Sent

Identify TFN Decs in a Pay Event

Before you Schedule Submission of a Submit Pay Event (initiated from a Pay Run), you will be presented with a screen that allows you to review the information that will be included. As per the below, TFN Declarations that will be sent can be identified by:

  • The count of Onboarding
  • The employee's TFN visible in the TFN Declaration column