Blocking Leave Requests

Blocking Leave Requests

If you need to block certain dates from being booked by employees this can be done by creating a custom leave type and using a leave block.

Creating a New Leave Type

First you will need to create theĀ LeaveĀ Type

  1. Go to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > Pay ComponentĀ Sub Type
  2. Open "AnnualĀ Leave"
  3. Hover over "Actions" and click "Make Copy"
  4. Change the name to "Blocked Days" or similar
  5. Main - untick "Show in Time Entry"
  6. Leave Management - untick "Show in ESS".Ā Ensure "LeaveĀ Request Inline Process" is ticked so that it doesn't show on the payslips or interfere with payroll
  7. Select "Do Not Use" for Reference Rate Calculation
  8. Save the Pay Component Sub Type

Entering a Leave Block

The date you wish to block employees booking will then be blockedĀ using a leave block (further instructions on Creating a Leave Block) so that they are unable to enter another leave requestĀ on the same date.

  1. Navigate to Payroll Administration >Ā LeaveĀ Management >Ā LeaveĀ BlockĀ List > New
  2. Name theĀ LeaveĀ BlockĀ - e.g. Blocked Days Christmas
  3. Select the Subsidiary
  4. Enter the dates to be blocked
  5. Set the status to "Approved"Ā 
  6. Select theĀ leaveĀ type of "Blocked Days"Ā 
  7. Tick SuppressĀ Email
  8. If necessary - filter by department
  9. Click "Mark All" or select those you wish toĀ apply this to
  10. Then "Save", this will create the requests

When aĀ leaveĀ request is then attempted for this employee on those dates they will receiveĀ a message stating that they already have aĀ leaveĀ request in and therefore cannot book.

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