5. Print & Email
5. Print & Email
- Former user (Deleted)
- Infinet Support (Unlicensed)
- Former user (Deleted)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Print Preferences
- Payrun Directory - Select the directory in your File Cabinet (E.g. "Payroll Documents") to store payslips, PAYG summaries and ABA files
- Payslip Template - Select the template for your payslip
- Payslip PDF Logo – Select a company logo to show on the payslip
- Password Protect Payslip PDF – Mark this checkbox if you want to set a password to protect your payslips.
- Password Field – Enter the field (from the Employee record) that you want to use as the password.
If you are using a date field you can optionally specify a formatter YYYYMMDD, DDMmmYYYY, DD-MM-YYYY, DD-Mmm-YY.
For example if birthday was 10th January 1988 setting 'birthdate|DD-Mmm-YY' would set password to 10-Jan-88
Email Preferences
- Payslip Email Body - Enter the message to display when payslips are emailed to employees
- Send System Emails From - Select the employee that the system emails will be sent from.
- Send Payslip Emails From - Select the employee that the payslip emails will be sent from.
- Email Payrun PDF - Mark this checkbox if you want the PDF of the payslips to be emailed to the person processing the pay run.
- Email EFT Files - Mark this checkbox if you want the ABA file to be emailed to the person processing the pay run.
- Payslip Email Template - Select a custom email template.
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Configuring Payroll Guide