AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnights
1. Start Fortnight : JOBKEEPER-START-FN
- Every employee you wish to claim the JobKeeper subsidy for must have a JOBKEEPER-START-FN payslip detail with the reportable date within the ATO defined fortnight you wish to claim from.
- The JOBKEEPER-START-FN is the primary mechanism within STP reporting that tells the ATO you are claiming for this employee. No JOBKEEPER-START-FN = No subsidy from ATO.
- The JOBKEEPER-START-FN payslip detail is automatically created when you process your first payroll after updating your employees with the JobKeeper payment type.
- The JOBKEEPER-START-FN payslip detail is automatically created with a reportable date of 30/3/2020 regardless of the dates on the pay run. This is the first day of fortnight 01. Most employers will be claiming from fortnight 01.
- If you want to adjust the JOBKEEPER START FN for any employee you should do so before the STP for that pay run is submitted. So, you should review the JobKeeper (AU) Menu > "AU JobKeeper Start Fortnight Payslip Details: Results" after you have processed payslips and before you approve the pay run. Edit and adjust the reportable date to the relevant FN you wish to claim for. Then proceed as normal.
- You can find a list of all employees Start fortnight payslip details and their reportable dates in the JobKeeper (AU) Menu > "AU JobKeeper Start Fortnight Payslip Details: Results"
- We have created a system sub type called JOBKEEPER-START-FN. The ATO requires this is reported with the relevant fortnight number appended. E.g. JOBKEEPER-START-FN01
- Rather than create a separate sub type for each fortnight we have chosen to append the fortnight number automatically in the STP submission based on the "reportable date" on the payslip detail. NB: Changing the name of the sub type or the description on the payslip detail will make no difference to the STP reporting.
- Here are some examples of JOBKEEPER-START-FN and how they would be reported based on the reportable date.
Employee | Reportable Date | ATO defined fortnight | STP Reporting |
Employee 1 | 30/03/2020 | 30/03/2020-12/04/2020 | JOBKEEPER-START-FN01 |
Employee 2 | 15/04/2020 | 13/04/2020-26/04/2020 | JOBKEEPER-START-FN02 |
Employee 3 | 9/05/2020 | 27/04/2020-10/05/2020 | JOBKEEPER-START-FN03 |
Employee 4 | 20/05/2020 | 11/05/2020-24/05/2020 | JOBKEEPER-START-FN04 |
Employee 5 | 7/06/2020 | 25/05/2020-07/06/2020 | JOBKEEPER-START-FN05 |
1a: Manually creating a Start Fortnight Payslip Detail
Navigate to the employee record > payroll tab > payslip detail sub tab
New YTD Payslip Detail button. Click on this button and set the following:
Type is Allowance
Amount is $0
Tax Year Ending is 2020 or 2021 depending on the reportable date you enter so be very careful to make sure you select the right year.
Reportable Date is a date within the ATO's Fortnights that reflects the FIRST fortnight you are claiming for this employee
Make sure the Branch field is populated
Then Save.
Once created if required you can then send an Update Event to report this to the ATO
You can also then view and access these payslip detail in the JobKeeper (AU) menu, "AU JobKeeper Start Fortnight Payslip Details: Results"
Please see this page AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnight corrections to understand what to do if you need to correct a JOBKEEPER-START-FN
2. Finish Fortnight : JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN
- Every employee you wish to cease claiming the JobKeeper subsidy for must have a JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN payslip detail with the reportable date within the ATO defined fortnight you wish to claim up to.
- The JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN is the primary mechanism within STP reporting that tells the ATO you are no longer claiming for this employee.
- The JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN payslip detail must be manually added by you when processing the last payslip during the period you are claiming the subsidy for. Or you can also add this manually to the employee record for situations that are not terminations. Eg. Employee goes on GOV PPL so is no longer eligible.
- When an employee terminates you will need to add a payslip detail to the termination payslip to notify the ATO via STP of the final fortnight that you are claiming the JobKeeper subsidy for them. The sub type you need to use is JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN. The amount should be 0.00. You can select this Allowance and add to any termination payslip.
- By default the JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN payslip detail will then be created with the same reportable date as the pay date of the pay run.
- You can find a list of all employees finish fortnight payslip details and their reportable dates in the JobKeeper (AU) Menu > "AU JobKeeper Finish Fortnight Payslip Details: Results"
- We have created a system sub type called JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN. The ATO requires this is reported with the relevant fortnight number appended. E.g. JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN03
- Rather than create a separate sub type for each fortnight we have chosen to append the fortnight number automatically in the STP submission based on the "reportable date" on the payslip detail + 01 fortnight. This is because the ATO requires that we report the fortnight from which you are no longer claiming for that employee. So if you paid the employee the final pay in fortnight 02 based on reportable date we will report JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN03
- NB: Changing the name of the sub type or the description on the payslip detail will make no difference to the STP reporting.
- Here are some examples of JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN and how they would be reported based on the reportable date of the payslip detail.
Employee | Final Pay Reportable Date | ATO defined fortnight | STP Reporting |
Employee 1 | 12/04/2020 | 30/03/2020-12/04/2020 | JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN02 |
Employee 2 | 15/04/2020 | 13/04/2020-26/04/2020 | JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN03 |
Employee 3 | 9/05/2020 | 27/04/2020-10/05/2020 | JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN04 |
Employee 4 | 20/05/2020 | 11/05/2020-24/05/2020 | JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN05 |
Employee 5 | 7/06/2020 | 25/05/2020-07/06/2020 | JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN06 |
- So again... if you wish to claim up to and including fortnight 03 your reportable date should be within fortnight 03 eg. (27 April – 10 May) We will then report JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN04 in the STP submission thereby telling the ATO you are no longer claiming from FN04 onwards. Remember that the fortnights are based on the ATO defined periods.
2.a Manually creating a Finish Fortnight Payslip Detail
Navigate to the employee record > payroll tab > payslip detail sub tab
New YTD Payslip Detail button. Click on this button and set the following:
Type is Allowance
Amount is $0
Tax Year Ending is 2020 or 2021 depending on the reportable date you enter so be very careful to make sure you select the right year.
Reportable Date is a date within the ATO's Fortnights that reflects the LAST fortnight you are claiming for this employee
Make sure the Branch field is populated
Then Save.
Once created if required you can then send an Update Event to report this to the ATO
You can also then view and access these payslip detail in the JobKeeper (AU) menu, "AU JobKeeper Finish Fortnight Payslip Details: Results"
Please see this page AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnight corrections to understand what to do if you need to correct a JOBKEEPER-FINISH-FN
3. Contact support first if you need to make any corrections:
Please see this page AU JobKeeper Start and Finish Fortnight corrections to understand what to do if you need to correct anything to do with start or finish fortnights.