Transfer Files - File Cabinet

Transfer Files - File Cabinet

You will have a Payroll Documents file cabinet created already to hold all payroll PDFs, this file cabinet will be accessible and managed by the Payroll Group.

To add files to the folder in the file cabinet and transfer:

  1. Navigate to Payroll Administration > Payroll Setup > File Cabinet

  2. Open Payroll Documents UK or other folder as agreed

  3. Open the folder you wish to add the file 

  4. Click "Add File" and select your file

  5. Once uploaded - right click "download" and then copy the link address

  6. You can then email this link address to transfer the file. If the person is logged in to NetSuite and has access to the group/documents folder then by clicking the link it will download the file

Useful Links

Unable to Open/Download Payroll Documents

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