Batch Terminations - UK
An employee will be included in the Batch Termination process during a pay run if:
Termination/Release Date on the Employee Record is on or before the period end date
Termination Field on Employee Record is empty
Termination Record does not already exist against that employee
Batch terminations are now available as part of the pay run process. Using this function you can create and email multiple P45s in one step from the pay run.
Review the Terminating an Employee - UK knowledge base article and follow the instructions on how to terminate an employee.
Once the pay run is at the stage “Payrun Paid” the “Batch Termination” button will become available.
Once clicked this will open the Batch Terminations page. Review the employees that are being included in the Batch Termination process - ensure that only those who you intend to terminate are included. If there is an employee who should not be you can unselect them, or if there is an employee who you want to delay emailing their P45 PDF you can unselect that their P45 be emailed.
Check that the information is correct - Tax Code and Termination Date etc.
Check that the email address the P45 PDF will be sent to is correct, if it is not you will need to amend this on the Employee Record > Payroll Tab under the “Email For Payslips” field and refresh the page.
You can review and amend the email that will be sent on the Email Content Tab.
Once confirmed that all the information is correct and only the required employees are included you can click “Create Termination & Email” - this will create the Termination Record, the P45 PDF and will email these out to the employees. If this is for two or less employees this will be an inline process - once complete you will be taken back to the Pay Run page.
If there are more than two employees included in this process then it will run as a Map Reduce - you will see the status above state that the process is running in the background. You will then be able to refresh this process until you receive a message to say it is completed.
To review the documents that have been generated and emailed you can navigate to Payroll Administration > UK Reports > Employee Termination for the list of Termination Records. You can click into the record you wish to review and if necessary review the PDF.