RTI - Omission of Termination Date
RTI - Omission of Termination Date
If you have omitted an employee's termination date on a submitted FPS and you wish to correct this you will need to submit a second FPS with the dates. If you do not need to pay anything further to the employee:
- Go to the employee record/s and open in Edit mode
- On the Human Resources tab set the appropriate termination dateĀ
- Save
Once you've fixed the employee data, do the following:
- Create a new pay run
- Change the Pay Run Type to "Adjustment"
- Match the Period Start Date to the pay run you want to adjust
- Match the Pay Date to pay run you want to adjust
- Tick "Skip Pay Components"
- Select only the employee/s you want to correct
- Submit
- Click "Return to Payrun"
- Click Edit
- Set the status of the pay run to "Payrun Paid"
- Save
- Click on the payslip in the sublist opening in Edit mode
- Change the Payslip Status to "Paid"
- Save (repeat 12, 13 and 14 for any other payslips in the run)
- Initiate FPS
- Edit the RTI Activity
- Set the Late Reason to "H: Correction to Earlier Submission"
- Save
- Review and submit the FPS when happy