RTI - Omission of Termination Date

RTI - Omission of Termination Date

If you have omitted an employee's termination date on a submitted FPS and you wish to correct this you will need to submit a second FPS with the dates. If you do not need to pay anything further to the employee:

  1. Go to the employee record/s and open in Edit mode
  2. On the Human Resources tab set the appropriate termination dateĀ 
  3. Save

Once you've fixed the employee data, do the following:

  1. Create a new pay run
  2. Change the Pay Run Type to "Adjustment"
  3. Match the Period Start Date to the pay run you want to adjust
  4. Match the Pay Date to pay run you want to adjust
  5. Tick "Skip Pay Components"
  6. Select only the employee/s you want to correct
  7. Submit
  8. Click "Return to Payrun"
  9. Click Edit
  10. Set the status of the pay run to "Payrun Paid"
  11. Save
  12. Click on the payslip in the sublist opening in Edit mode
  13. Change the Payslip Status to "Paid"
  14. Save (repeat 12, 13 and 14 for any other payslips in the run)
  15. Initiate FPS
  16. Edit the RTI Activity
  17. Set the Late Reason to "H: Correction to Earlier Submission"
  18. Save
  19. Review and submit the FPS when happy

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