Unable to Open/Download Payroll Documents

Unable to Open/Download Payroll Documents

Payroll Documents Folder Access Issue

Due to an enhanced security measure recently introduced by NetSuite you may find that your Payroll Administrator is no longer able to download and access these items and is redirected to a Shopping Basket Page. In order to make sure they are able to complete their normal process please review and action where applicable as follows:

  1. First, check the secure folder that is set in the Configuration Wizard
    1. Navigate to Payroll Admin > Payroll Setup > Configuration Wizard
    2. Click through to:
      1. Step 5 Print & Email, and 
      2. Step 7 EFT Bank  
    3. Typically it will be called "Payroll Documents" as per screen shots below:

  2. Once you know the name of the folder, an Administrator will need to access this folder from the NetSuite filing cabinet: Documents > Files > File Cabinet
  3. Locate the folder in the list and click on Edit
  4. If the folder is set with the Private boxed ticked this means that only Administrators or the owner of the folder can access the documents - if your Payroll Processor is NOT one of these people then you will experience this issue and need to instead change this folder to be "Restricted by Group".
  5. If already have a group then go to Step 6. Otherwise you will need to create a group :
    1. From the menu, go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New
    2. Select static as the group type and click on dropdown and select employee as the member type
    3. Enter the Name field for this group e.g. Payroll Documents Access Group
    4. Select employees names on the members tab that need to be able to access the group , access level defaults to "View" which is correct
    5. Once you've added all the employees that should have access, click Save. Group is now created.

  6. Now you can enable this group on the Payroll Documents folder by editing the folder again:
    1. Untick the Private checkbox
    2. Select the group you created as per screen shot below
    3. Click Save.