pre-config - Security
pre-config - Security
Centre Tabs
- Go to Customisation > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs
Click Edit for Payroll (Centre Type: Classic Center) and go to Audience Tab
- Deselect any roles
Select the specific employees that need to see and run payroll
Click Save
Employee Group
To create a Payroll Documents Group, follow these steps:
- From the menu select Lists tab > Relationships > Groups > New
- Select "STATIC" as the group type and select "Employee" from the dropdown as the member type. Click Continue.
- Enter the Name field for this group e.g. "Payroll Documents Access Group"
- Add employees on the Members tab that need to be able to access the group. Access level defaults to "View" which is correct.
- Click Save. The Group is now created.
File Cabinet
You must create a folder to store employee Payslips, Bank files and Payment Summary PDF documents. Please make sure you've created a Payroll Documents Access Group prior to proceeding with the steps below.
- To create a new documents folder for Payroll. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
- Click on New Folder.
- Enter "Payroll Documents" in the Name field.
- Restrict the folder by selecting "Payroll Documents Access Group" from the Group dropdown. If you do not already have a Payroll Documents Group then you can create it using the steps above.
- Make sure the Private checkbox is UN-checked.
- Click Save. The folder is now created.
Only create one root folder! Do not create multiple folders or any sub-folders.
Restricting by a Group means that only those that are members of the group will be able to download and access the information in this folder.