1. Submit Employer Payment Summary (EPS)

Once you have completed all payrun activity for the tax year, and successfully submitted all associated FPS you can go ahead and submit the final Employer Payment Summary (EPS) of the tax year.

As with other EPS through out the year the process splits into two:

  1. Initialise the payment summary (either from a payrun in the final tax month, or from an FPS for the tax month)
  2. Review the EPS data and submit the EPS to the HMRC

Complete by 19th of April

The Final EPS must be submitted by the 19th of April

UK End Of Year Guide

  1. Initiate EPS
    As usual to initiate the EPS record navigate to your final pay run of the tax year and click the "Initiate EPS" button, alternatively from the associated FPS you can click the "Create EPS" button. If you have already created the EPS for the tax period click the "View EPS" button.

  2. Review EPS
    1. By default the Month 12 EPS has the "is final" checkbox checked - ensure this is the case
    2. The employer allowance is checked (if you are eligible) more information on eligibility can be found here. If you need to update the employer allowance click edit on the record and check employer allowance and confirm your eligibility in the popup box.
    3. The system will have calculated any statutory recoverable amounts and Apprenticeship Levy for the period, based on the payslips with pay dates in the tax period - review these amounts
    4. The system will sum the recoverable amounts and Apprenticeship Levy from this and prior period EPSs to total the YTD amounts which are reported to HMRC - review these amounts
    5. From the tabs at the bottom of the page you can view the Statutory Payments for the period
    6. You can view the payslips that the period amounts are relating too
    7. You can view the Payrun FPS - this shows all of the payruns that are included in the EPS - ensure that they all have an FPS and a successful Gov Talk Message prior to submitting the EPS
  3. Submitting EPS
    Once the EPS has been reviewed, the EPS is ready to be submitted and polled to confirm its success. As with all HMRC submission the process comprises of two steps:
    1. Submit - this sends the EPS to HMRC who validate the structure of the EPS and ensure the submission complies with its data validation.
    2. Poll -  After a successful submission, a second call is made to HMRC to ask what the outcome of the submission has been. During busy periods HMRC may not return a response immediately, eventually you will see the response Submission Complete. Click the "Poll" button.
    3.  If HMRC returns a successful response you will see the message below and the EPS has been successfully submitted

The EPS submission is now complete and you can start 2. Employee P60 End Of Year Certificates