Navigate to the Employee Record > Payroll Tab > Pay Component Sub Tab
- Click on the "Create Salary Sacrifice" button
- Select the type of salary sacrifice you are wanting to create
Based on the Pay Component Sub Type that you choose, certain fields (such as Description) will default from the Pay Component Sub Type set up - these can be edited, certain fields will default from the Payee (Balance Sheet Account) and certain fields (such as Class, Location and Department) will default from the Employee Record. Fill the remaining fields as in the below for Childcare Voucher:
Childcare Vouchers
UOM Year Frequency
Monthly Payee May default from Pay Component Sub Type set up - or needs to be set as the vendor record for the Childcare voucher company - Setting up a Payroll Vendor
Quantity 1 Rate The annual total of the salary sacrifice e.g. 2,916 Amount Quantity x Rate e.g. 2,916 Start Date The start date of the pay component Current Ticked - You are able to set these as a percentage by ticking "Is Percentage", entering the percent type and the percentage to be sacrificed. This will override the Rate and Amount.
- Click "Save"