Expense Reports

Expense Reports


To submit expenses for approval in MyPay, they must be linked to an expense report. It is not possible to submit individual expense items for approval; only expense reports can be submitted.

Creating Expense Reports Automatically

In this case, an expense report is created automatically prior to creating an expense item.

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → Expense Detail Entry
  2. Make sure the Auto Link To Report feature is enabled
    To learn more, go to Auto Link To Report feature
  3. Upload and Attach a receipt (if required)
  4. Double-check auto-populated fields
  5. Fill in the rest of the required fields
    All mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *
  6. Click the 'Save' or 'Save and New' button to continue entering a new expense item

Each additionally created expense is automatically attached to the latest expense report created.

Creating Expense Reports manually prior to Creating New Expenses

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → Expense Detail Entry
  2. Click the 'New Report' button
  3. Upload and Attach a receipt (if required)
  4. Double-check auto-populated fields (if required)
  5. Fill in the rest of the required fields
    All mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *
  6. Click the 'Save' or 'Save and New' button to continue entering a new expense item

Creating Expense Reports manually from Unlinked Expenses

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → Expense Detail Entry
  2. Create one or more unlinked Expenses
    This is only possible with disabled Auto Link to Report feature to learn more, go to Auto Link To Report feature
  3. On the left menu bar, choose: Expense → My Expenses
  4. Tick expenses you want to link to the Expense Report
  5. Click the 'Create Expense Report' button

Submitting Expense Reports

  1. Link all expenses to the Expense Report
  2. On the main menu, choose: Expense → My ExpenseReport
  3. Click the report you want to submit for approval
  4. Click the 'See Report' button
  5. Click the 'Submit' button

Changing Name of Existing Expense Report

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → My Expense Reports
  2. Click the expense report you want to rename
  3. Click the 'See Report' button
  4. Click the 'Pen' icon next to the report name
  5. Enter a new report name
  6. Hit 'Return' key on the keyboard

Adding Expenses to Existing Expense Reports

  1. Choose an expense report you want to add a new expense item to
  2. Complete the process of adding new items as described in Expenses

Removing Expenses from Expense Reports

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → My Expense Reports
  2. Click the expense report you want to rename
  3. Click the 'See Report' button
  4. Click the '...' button next to the item you want to remove
  5. Click the 'Delete Line' option from the context menu

Duplicating Expense Reports

MyPay offers the capability to duplicate any expense report.

  1. On the main menu, choose: Expense → My Expense Reports
  2. Click the expense report you want to copy
  3. Click the 'See Report' button
  4. Click the '...' button in the top-right corner
  5. Click the 'Duplicate' option from the context menu
  6. Update the report name

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