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Once your employee record has been saved, you can create the Superannuation details for your employee. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to: Superannuation tab > Employee Super Funds sub tabImage Modified

  2. Click on New Employee Super Funds
  3. A new window will open, complete all required details (refer to the section below)
  4. Click Save
titleEmployee Setup Guide

Page Tree

New Employee Super Funds fields

In the window that pops up, enter the employee's Super Fund details. Depending on the type of Super Fund the employee has, the information required differs. The table below provides example field values for a standard Super Fund and Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF).


If the employee's Super Fund is not listed in the dropdown or they have an SMSF, then you will need to create a new Super Fund.

Click the + button next to the Super Fund dropdown to do this.

FieldDescriptionSuper Fund valueSMSF value
EmployeeDefaults when you create the recordJane SmithJane Smith
Super FundSelect from the list, defaults from the organisation's payroll configurationREST PersonalThe Trustee for Jane Smith
Super Fund VendorSelect the Vendor who you will pay this employee's super to. The Vendor must be setup as a Super Fund. Select ClickSuper if you're paying super through them.ClickSuperClickSuper
Membership NumberEnter the employee's super membership number.1234567801
CurrentWill automatically be marked when you save the record. This indicates that this record is the most current (if there are more than one employee super fund record)<check><check>
Start DateEnter the date that the employee wants to start using this super fund1/12/2016
End DateEnter the date that the employee wants to stop using this super fund

SPINThis field has been deprecated, use the USI field instead

Super Fund ABNABN of the Super Fund, generally required only for SMSFs
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI)Defaults from the Super FundRES0101AU
Electronic Service Address (ESA)Required for SMSFs. Defaults from the Super Fund. Enter CLICKSUPER if you're paying super through Click Super and this will auto-populate upon your first pay run
BPAY Biller CodeEnter the BPAY Biller Code. Defaults from the Super Fund

BPAY Reference NumberEnter the BPAY Reference Number. Defaults from the Super Fund

Bank Account NameEnter the Bank Account Name. Defaults from the Super Fund
Jane Smith Family Trust
BSB NumberEnter the BSB Number. Defaults from the Super Fund
Bank Account NumberEnter the Bank account number. Defaults from the Super Fund
Bank Account ReferenceEnter the bank account reference. Defaults from the Super Fund
Company Super
Is SMSFMark this checkbox if the super fund is a Self Managed Super Fund. Defaults from the Super Fund

Once you've saved, go Go to step 12. Finish up11. Add Pay Components