MyPay manages its synchronisation tasks via an intelligent queue. As an Administrator, you can view these tasks and manage/fix any failed tasks. It is good practise to have NO failed tasks in your Integration Queue.
To access the Integration Queue:
Log into MyPay as an Admin
From the menu, select Administration > Integration Queue
Clicking a failed Task will present detailed information and actions that can be performed with it.
Note |
Use the Delete Record or Delete Task buttons with caution as this may result in data being erased from MyPay, NetSuite or both. Data deleted in this way may not be recoverable! |
Integration Queue Task and Possible Actions
When viewing an Integration Queue Task then additional information is made available to help you debug the issue.
Information Available:
Direction: The direction of the data flow to MyPay (INbound) or from (OUTbound) MyPay.
Record: The MyPay Record Type and MyPay Record ID.
Action: The action being performed by the task (create, update, delete).
Queued: The date and time that the task was first queued (e.g. a record was created).
Started: The data and time that the task was last executed/run.
Attempts: The number of times that MyPay has attempted to execute the task. OUTbound tasks will automatically retry a maximum of 6 times, after this, manual intervention is required.
Error: The error reported by MyPay / NetSuite.
NS push payload: The raw data that MyPay is sending to NetSuite.
MyPay record: The raw record as extracted out of MyPay’s database.
NS full response: The raw response from NetSuite from the last execution of the task.
NetSuite record: The raw record as currently being returned by NetSuite (if available)
MyPay Record System Notes: Audit trail of changes pertaining to the record being synced.
Actions available:
Depending on the Direction, Action and overall state of the MyPay/NetSuite record. The following actions (buttons) may be available.
Refresh: Refreshes the Task (similar to using the browser’s refresh button but faster).
Previous: Pages through to the previous task in the Integration Queue.
Next: Pages through to the next task in the Integration Queue.
List: Returns to the List of all tasks in your Integration Queue.
Retry: Retries the Task (e.g. executes it again).
Revert from NS: Reverts the Record in MyPay to whatever it’s state is in NetSuite.
Delete Task: Deletes the Task. Do not do this unless you know what you’re doing!
Delete Record: Deletes the Record from MyPay and then creates a sync Task to delete the record from NetSuite.
Error List
The following list covers most of the integration errors we have seen. Most errors are actually being thrown by NetSuite, meaning that some changes made in MyPay will not have made their way into NetSuite. Please use the table below to find your error and following the steps in the Possible Resolution column.
Note |
Use the Delete Record or Delete Task buttons with caution as this may result in data being erased from MyPay, NetSuite or both. Data deleted in this way may not be recoverable! |
Error | Description | Possible Resolution |
Invalid login attempt. | MyPay is unable to log into NetSuite using the integration details configured. More than likely, someone has disabled the login (Employee/User) previously setup in NetSuite. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the value entered for the specified field. E.g. Employee with NetSuite Internal ID 251 is not valid. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the associated employee Employee (e.g. 918428) for the Expense Report being created/updated. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Credit Card (e.g. ID 251)account associated with the employee entering an Expense Report. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Currency (e.g. ID 3) associated with one of the lines entered on an Expense Report. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Customer associated withe or Project (e.g. ID 758) associated with a line on an Expense Report being created/updated. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Expense Category (e.g. ID 20) associated with one of the lines entered on an Expense Report. |
| NetSuite does not know recognise the record type being pushedcreated or updated. |
| Tax has been mis-configured for a subsidiary in NetSuite. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Expense Report because the selected Employee and Customer(s) do not belong to the same subsidiary. |
| The Expense Report being created/updated is not in balance. NetSuite does not allow negative expense reports. |
| The associated Expense Report has already been paid in NetSuite so it can no longer be updated. |
| Expense account setup incorrect <TBD>incorrectly in NetSuite |
| The MyPay Next Approver field on the Expense Report is being set to an invalid value in NetSuite. This is likely caused by an incorrect workflow. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the selected Allowance Type for the Allowance being created/updated. |
| NetSuite is rejecting changes to the Time record because it has already been invoiced to the customer. |
| NetSuite is rejecting changes to the Time record because it has already been posted. |
Project <PROJECT_NAME> is under construction! | NetSuite is rejecting the Time record because the associated Project is misconfigured. |
| NetSuite does allow more that one MyPay Tag per transaction record. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Time record because the selected Employee is not allowed to enter time against the selected Project/Task. |
| |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Time record because it’s set to be billable and the Customer/Project/Task does not allow this. |
| NetSuite is rejecting the Time record because the associated Customer/Project does not allow time entries. |
| The record being updated does not exist in NetSuite. |
| The Time record cannot be posted in NetSuite. |
| A possible duplicate has been detected in the MyPay database. |