Time functionality will work without time configuration record by default. In such case default setting is used:
Period Start Day: MONDAY
Period Length: 7
Time increments: 1
Allow Service Items: Yes
Allow Pay Items: Yes
Allow Project Tasks: Yes
MyPay configured including the relevant Time record permissions as per: MyPay Setup & Configuration
Log into MyPay using an Adminuser.
If required, change to the Adminrole using the menu in the top-right.
You should see the Timemenu, if not then wait a 10 minutes for a re-sync to happen
Go to Time > Configuration
Click the Createbutton
Set the configuration fields as follows:
Name:Enter a descriptive name for this time configuation
Period Start Day:Select the day of the week that time entries should begin with (typically MONDAY or SUNDAY)
Period Length: Set to 7
Time Increments:Set to 1
Allow Service Items: Mark if you want to show the Service Item dropdown
Allow Pay Items:Mark if you want to show the Pay Item / Payroll Item / Pay Component Sub Type dropdown
Allow Project Tasks:Mark if you want show the Project (Task) dropdown
Active: Mark
Click the Savebutton
Using the menu, navigate to Setup > Subsidiaries
For each subsidiary you’d like to enable Time Entry Configuration for:
Click on the relevant subsidiary
Click on the Pencil iconnext to the Time Configuration field.
Select the Time Configurationyou created
Click the Savebutton