Published by Australian Government Dept of Human Services 4/11/2019

Child Support and the Protected Earnings Amount in 2020

The Protected Earnings Amount (PEA) is the part of an employee’s or contractor’s wages that are exempt from child support deductions. The PEA doesn’t apply to garnishee notices requesting deductions under section 72A of the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988.

The PEA is adjusted on 1 January each year to allow for increases in the cost of living.

PEA rates for 2020

The following rate applies from 1 January 2020:

Weekly rate                 $378.53
Fortnightly                   $757.06 (weekly rate x 2)
Four week period        $1,514.12(weekly rate x 4)
Monthly period            $1,645.93(daily rate x 30.4375)

For child support purposes, a year is 365.25 days (allowing for the leap year). The number of days in a month is 30.4375, which is equal to 365.25 divided by 12. Figures are rounded where applicable.

The daily rate (unrounded) is calculated by the weekly rate divided by 7 (that is, 378.53 / 7 = 54.07571).

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