MyPay configured including the relevant Time record permissions as per Install MyPay with Infinet Cloud Payroll
Log into MyPay using an Adminuser.
If required, change to the Adminrole using the menu in the top-right.
You should see the Timemenu, if not then wait a 10 minutes for a re-sync to happen
Go to Time > Configuration
Click the Createbutton
Set the configuration fields as follows:
Name: Enter a descriptive name for this time configuationconfiguration
Period Start Day: Select the day of the week that time entries should begin with (typically MONDAY or SUNDAY)
Period Length: Set to 7
Time Increments: Set to 1
Allow Service Items: Mark if you want to show the Service Item dropdown
Allow Pay Items: Mark if you want to show the Pay Item / Payroll Item / Pay Component Sub Type dropdown
Allow Project Tasks: Mark if you want show the Project (Task) dropdown
Active: Mark
Click the Save Save button
Using the menu, navigate to Setup > Subsidiaries
For each subsidiary you’d like to enable Time Entry Configuration for:
Click on the relevant subsidiary
Click on the Pencil iconicon next to the Time Configuration field.
Select the Time ConfigurationConfiguration you created
Click the Save Save button